
Caribbean Slaw "Dogs"




Yield 4 servings


Caribbean Miso Dressing

Caribbean Slaw “Dogs”:


Caribbean Miso Dressing

Add all ingredients to a mason jar or other container with a lid or drop in a protein shake mixer ball if you have one and shake away! Stores well in the fridge for up to 7 days. Does not freeze well.

Caribbean Slaw “Dogs”:

  1. Prepare Big Brat Veggie Links per package directions or see my methods earlier in this post
  2. Lightly toast buns and keep warm
  3. Add pineapple to Caribbean Miso Dressing and toss (best if you can let marinate in the fridge for about an hour!)
  4. Place one warm veggie link in each bun, add slaw and serve immediately
  5. Amaze your friends - depending on the buns you chose, you just made a vegan meal!

Recipe by If You Have An Egg You Have Hope at