
Scrambled Veggie Eggs



  1. Heat olive oil over medium heat in a heavy ceramic or other non stick small skillet.  
  2. Add mushrooms and peppers, toss a couple of times with spatula until they start to soften.  
  3. Add spinach and the egg and mix well with the spatula while the egg starts to cook. Less mixing creates a more “fried” egg texture,  more frequent mixing for a scrambled texture.  
  4. After about 5 minutes or when the egg starts to become firm, break up the Babybel and drop into the scramble. I love it when some of the cheese leaks out and gets crusty…it’s so yummy!  
  5. When the egg looks cooked through and the cheese is melted move everything with a spatula to a pretty plate with a couple of sides and enjoy!


Weight Watchers: 4 PPV

Recipe by If You Have An Egg You Have Hope at