Chicken Bacon Naan Pizza – 9 Weight Watchers Smart Points (7PPV) 

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“Mother, come show me your ways”.  Music to my ears.

I’ve been so obsessed with the StoneFire Mini Naan that I found at Costco that we’ve done a little bit of everything with them.  Sandwiches, pizzas, something to hold something else…everything.  A few nights ago my daughter wanted to make something for herself and her fiancé but she had worked two jobs that day and didn’t have a lot of time or much energy.  She knew there were Naan though, these days there are always Naan.  I knew she was rummaging, looking for something that perhaps I had already made and foolishly left or some grouping of ingredients that would be easy to turn into a meal.  I guess there was nada because a few minutes later I got a sing song text “mother, come show me your ways”.  Mmmm hmmm, my guess was more like mother come make foods.

Boy was I wrong…she actually wanted my help!  Words the mother of an adult longs to hear.  Mother show me, I value your opinion, I want your help…joy!

So we started with a Naan.  I know we love them, her fiancé has eaten many of my creations.  But it was time for her to create a Naan that was theirs.  And with just a little help from mom (squeal!) this is what she came up with.

Chicken Bacon Naan Pizza – 9 Weight Watchers Smart Points (7PPV) per serving (2 servings)


  • 2 Stonefire Mini Naan (or 1 regular Tandoor Naan, then cut in half to make the two servings)
  • 1 cup fresh baby spinach
  • 2 oz grilled chicken (I used a West End Mediterranean Grilled Chicken Skewer)
  • 2 Laughing Cow Mini Baby Bel light
  • 1 oz Fresh Mozzarella
  • 2 tbsp crumbled bacon
  • Smart Balance non stick cooking spray

Place both mini naan on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper.  Spray with non stick spray.  Spread spinach evenly over each Naan.  Evenly divide up remaining ingredients and layer them on each Naan.  Preheat oven to 350 and bake for 15 minutes or until cheeses are bubbly and starting to brown.  Prepare to amaze your fiancé!  Or family.  Or yourself.  Enjoy!


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