Weight Watchers Chat #361 “How to Hack Your Points Budget!”

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News and Reviews

  • Today is the first day of the “Drink More Water!” Challenge hosted by Julie over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group. Hop in any time, it’s not a competition with anyone but yourself!
  • Only 9 days left to get yourself a smartphone or tablet before the desktop version of WW removes many of the tracking and Connect features we’ve been able to find there. April 30th is the official end date to the desktop version of many of those features!
  • And to not let the prior week outdo my emotions, we had a sewer issue that led to 100 ft of yard digging (more than once), two 60 year old trees coming down, more digging, no incoming or outgoing water, and finally full access….but we have a huge cavern in the yard now while they make sure everything is good this time. Alyssa pointed out that Papaw will have less grass to mow and leaves to rack, always on the bright side! (p.s. Karen Brown seems more upset than we were LOL)


Review Last Week: Last week was Chat #360 “Try These Eating Out Hacks To Stay On Track!”

What’s for dinner?

Three of  the most dreaded words in the English language. Ok, it’s technically four words but you get the point. If the answer to that question is anything besides “eating at home” then you better have a plan in our back pocket. Let’s do that now ok?

(p.s. These tips from 2017 might have a little outdated info but it’s still super helpful! Plus there is an adorable picture of me holding Dusty you need to see in honor of our little buddy pee pew https://www.ifyouhaveanegg.com/weight-watchers-eating-out-101-facebook-live-pre-recorded-chat/ )


Pro tips for a Hack Attack instead of a Mac Attack:

W(uh) W(uh) Watch Out!

  • Salad Dressing Cups – watch out…most of those little cups they bring are 2 oz. and 2 oz = 4 Tbsp.  And 4 Tbsp of just regular Ranch (not to mention something fancy) = a whopping 9 Points!
  • Hold the bread basket or only bring enough for everyone else. Skipping the bread or roll can save anywhere from 5 to 8 points and that’s if you don’t slather it in butter
  • No butter added on fish, veggies, corn, etc. Well intended steamed broccoli can add up 5 points if they add butter.  If the server can’t help don’t be shy to ask to see the manager
  • AVOID! Slaws, Pasta Salad, Regular Dressings, Teas with syrup flavorings added, and anything the server or manager can’t readily identify

Let Your Fingers Do The Walking

The old Yellow Pages ads always told us to let our fingers do the walking for the best information. If you don’t know what the Yellow Pages are/were you can just sit over there while the old people chat LOL.  If you have to guesstimate on the size or portion served while eating out remember these handy tips!

Need to estimate a portion while you’re out? Use your hands!  For the printable list visit Weight Watchers https://www.weightwatchers.com/util/art/index_art.aspx?tabnum=1&art_id=167771

  • Fist = approximately 1 cup
  • Your thumb from the tip to the base = approximately 1 ounce of meat or cheese
  • Your thumb from the tip to the first joint = 1 Tbsp
  • Fingertip from the tip to first joint = 1 tsp
  • Fingertip from the first joint to the second joint = 1 inch
  • Cupped hand = approximately 1 to 2 ounces nuts or pretzels
  • Palm of hand = 3 oz of meat, fish or poultry

Know Before You Go!

I know you all get tired of me saying that but trust me, it’s saved my butt more times than one. Case in point, last week at our in person meeting a very successful new-ish member was faced with a meal out at a local spot famous for BBQ, steaks, something called Spinach Maria and some other sumptuous butter and fat laden things we don’t even need to talk about right now. She will be with witnesses (co-workers) and wanted to make some smart decisions BEFORE she got there. But a little fact checking and some investigative work later, we reshaped the boring chicken, spinach and no dessert meal into a 14 point feast that left room for a little of that famous banana pudding. Check out the second half for more details 🙂


Your homework was #ChooseFactsNotFries. This week’s homework will make more sense after the second half, but for those of you up past your bedtime here’s the scoop. Find one thing (or meal) that have faced before or will be facing and look at the facts. Is there a swap you can do that makes more sense?

  • Deanna ‘s normal order at Raising Cane’s My regular Raising is a Box combo & a lemonade. When she fact checked it would be 49 points. But she discovered that if she orders separately, skips the bread and keeps the lemonade it would be 23 points. It was an eye opener!
  • Kelsey’s normal Chick-Fil-A Chicken Biscuit is a whopping 16 points. The FACT is now she knows she can swap out the chicken for a grilled filet, hold the butter on the biscuit AND add an egg and a fruit cup for only 10 points!
  • Our “pop quiz” last week resulted in almost one hundred folks swapping a smaller steak with grilled shrimp for a chicken dish. There is absolutely nothing wrong with chicken, but the FACT is you have a choice!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: “How To Hack Your Points Budget!” 

No matter how busy (or crazy!) life gets I try to carve out time for my Tuesday night WW meeting, Mondays with Alyssa and Danny Go Dance offs with Beau.


Just like you, I am allotted 24 hours each day. 168 hours per week. With two small businesses, a family, and a multitude of responsibilities I have developed a few “hacks” or ways to make sure I fit in that handful of things that is most important to me and protect it like my  life depended on it. Because some weeks it does…

Your weekly points budget should be treated with the same sense of importance. This journey is important to you so let’s hack it!


Pro tips for a hacking that points budget:

Knowing Before You’re Going

We talked about this last week, but honestly knowing the points values for everything you plan on enjoying BEFORE you eat it is the best hack you can learn. Checking out a restaurant beforehand. Knowing the points value of things you have on hand or have gathered around you, both are an important piece to this hackable puzzle! We will chat more about this in the second half!


Pre-Track Hack

Tracking ahead of time serves a couple of purposes:

  • You know how many points you have available so you can plan around the special food or meal
  • It’s easier to stick with your original decision when it’s already on paper (or in your app)
  • Even if you stray off the plan a little, you can hold  your head high because you made a decision rather than letting the decision happen to/for you…go you!


Never Say Never!

The nice thing about the WW program is that “no” is never the answer. Back in the day we had a list of no no foods, forbidden foods, and even things we were required to eat in certain quantities or frequencies. Gone are the days of No and Never!  Now we can choose whether we would rather do or have this, or simply choose something else. Or simply a different way to get to the result we want! 

Hacks that lead to a YES include:

  1. Using your zero point foods to your advantage
  2. #bulkitup
  3. Using those weeklies and rollovers!


This Week’s Homework: #NeverSayNever

Your homework for this week is #NeverSayNever. This week’s homework is a no brainer, really. All you have to do is think of something you want to include coming up (it might be every Friday night pizza or a once a year sweet treat you can only get at a family reunion) and tell us one hack you will use to never say never again!  Type it, snap it, tell it.   Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is someone who needs the idea you have already rattling around in your head. Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else!  Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!


Don’t forget to do your homework #NeverSayNever and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: Kroger Haul!

As part of hacking my points budget, I decided to go to Kroger today! Don’t panic if you don’t have Kroger… I promise you have a grocery store and they most likely have similar items.


A large part of hacking your points is knowing before you go and keeping good items on hand to reduce temptations for other things. Know what’s in your fridge, how many points they are, and maybe reduce the amount of “bigger points” items. So in this haul, I am showing some of my favorites and things I’ve found to keep me hacking my points budget!


Lewis Sourdough Bread 1/2 Loaf: 2 points per slice

This is a hack to take advantage of the Yogurt Custard Toast we are making next week because I can use REAL sourdough, and I still won’t be going crazy on points.

Swerve Confectioners Sugar: 0 points

All of the Yogurt Custard Toast recipes I found had sugar sprinkled on top and I wanted mine to look pretty like that too! This is a sugar replacement (made with Erythritol) and it adds no extra points for the sweet taste!

Bananas: 0 points

An obvious choice! Bulk up a meal and take advantage of your 0 point foods!

Mio Water Flavoring Pods: 0 points

Casey got me started on these, and they are great to add to water while still tasting delicious! Takes away the temptation for sugary syrups or juices!

Annie Chun’s Vegan Tonkotsu Ramen Soup Bowl: 7points per container

I love bringing these to work to keep me in my budget and it makes for a quick and delicious lunch! But pay attention! The Ramen NOODLE bowls are like… 14-15 points! Look at the packaging carefully, and make sure you get the SOUP bowls!!!

Baked Cheetos: 4 points per 34 cheetos

Chips are a red light food for me. If I get chips, they will be consumed before I even notice the whole bag is gone. One way to keep myself in control is to get the Baked version! I don’t know why, but I won’t eat as many of the baked version in one sitting. Find a way to keep enjoying what you love while still being under control.

Rao’s Homemade Spaghetti Sauce: 2-3points per 1/2 cup

I love marinara and spaghetti sauce. But I’ve also been buying sugar free and low sugar options just because I thought it was the lowest in points. Rao’s completely surprised me by being low points AND having the yummy flavor I enjoy.

Purely Elizabeth Grain Free Granola: 2 points per 2tbsp

I try to keep cereal around work as a quick and easy meal to eat between customers or to add to my yogurt for a little extra excitement. Its so fresh and yummy and a little goes a LONG way.

Cascadian Farm Hearty Morning Fiber Cereal: 5 points per 3/4cup

I got this at a STEAL of a price, and they are the same points as the Cheerios I usually buy for Alyssa and me. BUT! This has 10 grams of fiber and 6 grams of protein! Excellent for you and hacking your points to get the most out of your cereal.

Harvest Snaps Crunchy Loops Sour Cream & Onion: 3 points per 22 loops

I accidentally found these are I absolutely love these! They are typically in the produce section if you go hunting for them, and they are well worth the hunt. Much better than most chips and are made with lentils!

VeeTee Thai Jasmine Rice: 4 points per 1/2 container

A good hack with rice is getting a packaged rice to split and bulk it up with a load of veggies. And the whole grain version… is 6 points! I would have never thought a white rice would be better on points than a brown rice. #NeverSayNever!


What will you be stocking up on in your next grocery haul? And how will it help you hack your points budget? Let us know in the comments below!

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