Weight Watchers Chat #360 “Try These Eating Out Hacks to Stay on Track!

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News and Reviews

  • Today is the first day of the “Step / Movement Challenge!” Challenge hosted by Julie over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group. Hop in any time, it’s not a competition with anyone but yourself!
  • And in case you didn’t already hear we lost poor little Dusty last Monday morning. I am only going to talk about it for a couple of minutes but thank you all for loving him for the entire life of this chat. I did some math and between customers in the KC Kitchen Center Showroom and this group he has touched the lives of some 4,000+ people. Wow little dude, you really were special!


Review Last Week: Last week was Chat #359 “Simple Swaps to Save Your Points!”

Where or where was this topic when we did Julie’s Swap It Out For Less Challenge a few weeks ago?

Last week in our Tuesday meeting Gwen told us a story about pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. She and her husband have a change jar and they add a little each time they have change, even the pennies. On a whim they decided to take it and see how much they had…all those little coins, gathered and saved little bit by little bit, added up to over $600!


Let’s put pennies to work and see how they add up:

The Power of a Penny 

If you save a penny (a point) at each meal, you’d have 21 extra points left at the end of the week!  Save a penny (a point) with things like:

  • Skipping the ketchup packet at a fast food restaurant
  • Using skim milk instead of 2% in your coffee
  • Enjoying 3 cups of Skinny Pop as your portion instead of the 3 ¾ cup suggested serving size

Nickel and Dime’in It 

Finding a way to shave a nickel or a dime (5-10 points) off a meal adds up FAST. Over the course of just one month you could save as many as 300 points if you just shaved off a dime a day!  Try things like:

  • Opting for salsa instead of dressing at a restaurant
  • Air frying rather than pan frying
  • Sipping on a small McD Sweet Tea rather than a large

Time to Cash In!

If you are easily upset you might want to sit down. This is a cash (points) deal so big you can’t afford to miss it. And for the next 30 minutes this deal is yours for the low low price of…well 30 more minutes of your time LOL.  Check these out and prepare to be shocked!

  1. Substituting ½ cup of oil in a regular cake mix with ½ cup of applesauce saves you 37 points. THIRTY SEVEN!
  2. Swapping out 1 cup of my Fat Free Cream Cheese instead of regular cream cheese in a recipe or for schmeering on bagels saves you 42 points. FORTY TWO!
  3. And finally, using 2 pounds of Jody’s Turkey Sausage Recipe from the second half of tonight’s chat instead of regular sausage saves…gulp…118, yes that’s triple digits ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN points!!!


Your homework for last week was #TimeToCashIn. Using my model above pick a penny, a nickel, a dime or more to cash in when you swap out something simple to save those points!

Let’s see how you did:

  • Marlene is cashing it in big time by using my Fat Free Cream Cheese recipe and racking up those points savings!
  • Sylvia uses ground turkey breast and mixes in what would typically be meatloaf ingredients, but shapes into patties for her own turkey burgers!
  • Mindi took the cottage cheese bake that has taken the internet by storm and cashed in some points by using FF cottage cheese and turkey pepperonis! See her post here for the recipe https://www.instagram.com/p/C5pBUBMrlCv/

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: “Try These Eating Out Hacks To Stay On Track!” 

What’s for dinner?


Three of  the most dreaded words in the English language. Ok, it’s technically four words but you get the point. If the answer to that question is anything besides “eating at home” then you better have a plan in our back pocket. Let’s do that now ok?

(p.s. These tips from 2017 might have a little outdated info but it’s still super helpful! Plus there is an adorable picture of me holding Dusty you need to see in honor of our little buddy pee pew https://www.ifyouhaveanegg.com/weight-watchers-eating-out-101-facebook-live-pre-recorded-chat/ )


Pro tips for a Hack Attack instead of a Mac Attack:

W(uh) W(uh) Watch Out!

  • Salad Dressing Cups – watch out…most of those little cups they bring are 2 oz. and 2 oz = 4 Tbsp.  And 4 Tbsp of just regular Ranch (not to mention something fancy) = a whopping 9 Points!
  • Hold the bread basket or only bring enough for everyone else. Skipping the bread or roll can save anywhere from 5 to 8 points and that’s if you don’t slather it in butter
  • No butter added on fish, veggies, corn, etc. Well intended steamed broccoli can add up 5 points if they add butter.  If the server can’t help don’t be shy to ask to see the manager
  • AVOID! Slaws, Pasta Salad, Regular Dressings, Teas with syrup flavorings added, and anything the server or manager can’t readily identify


Let Your Fingers Do The Walking

The old Yellow Pages ads always told us to let our fingers do the walking for the best information. If you don’t know what the Yellow Pages are/were you can just sit over there while the old people chat LOL.  If you have to guesstimate on the size or portion served while eating out remember these handy tips!

Need to estimate a portion while you’re out? Use your hands!  For the printable list visit Weight Watchers https://www.weightwatchers.com/util/art/index_art.aspx?tabnum=1&art_id=167771

  • Fist = approximately 1 cup
  • Your thumb from the tip to the base = approximately 1 ounce of meat or cheese
  • Your thumb from the tip to the first joint = 1 Tbsp
  • Fingertip from the tip to first joint = 1 tsp
  • Fingertip from the first joint to the second joint = 1 inch
  • Cupped hand = approximately 1 to 2 ounces nuts or pretzels
  • Palm of hand = 3 oz of meat, fish or poultry


Know Before You Go!

I know you all get tired of me saying that but trust me, it’s saved my butt more times than one. Case in point, last week at our in person meeting a very successful new-ish member was faced with a meal out at a local spot famous for BBQ, steaks, something called Spinach Maria and some other sumptuous butter and fat laden things we don’t even need to talk about right now. She will be with witnesses (co-workers) and wanted to make some smart decisions BEFORE she got there. But a little fact checking and some investigative work later, we reshaped the boring chicken, spinach and no dessert meal into a 14 point feast that left room for a little of that famous banana pudding. Check out the second half for more details 🙂


This Week’s Homework: #ChooseFactsNotFries

Your homework for this week is #ChooseFactsNotFries. This week’s homework will make more sense after the second half, but for those of you up past your bedtime here’s the scoop. Find one thing (or meal) that have faced before or will be facing and look at the facts. Is there a swap you can do that makes more sense? Can you hold the butter mop? Did you even know there was a butter mop?  Type it, snap it, tell it.   Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is someone who needs the idea you have already rattling around in your head. Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else!  Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!


Don’t forget to do your homework #ChooseFactsNotFries and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: Choose Facts Not Fries!

Talking about hacking ways to eat out without going absolutely crazy! It is the pits to show up somewhere without a plan or a surprise. In the heat of the moment, you order and just snap a picture to track later on… rarely does that ever go well. We are going to discuss some ways to give you the best chance of success while still enjoying eating out!


A couple of things you can do when you are fact checking BEFORE you get to where you’re going:

  • Go to the three line button at the top of the app, and click on “Restaurant.” The options will be Points or Restaurants, and depending on how much information and control you have over where you are going… each of those options have pros and cons. Ex. Local places may not have an option under Restaurants, but you can try to find another place that you think is similar.
  • There is now a “Filter” option as well! You can make a filter that will only show you a range of points that you select, limiting it down to safe options and taking away the temptations of higher point items. IMPORTANT: Please remember to clear out the filter before searching for anything else, or you will still have the filter applied!
  • Click “What to Eat” along the bottom. If you look, there is a “Eating Out” option and a bunch of widgets pop up. There are a few brand specific widgets, or you can search through different types of food. If you click on one, it has suggestions for different meals and appetites you might have, which is a great tool. There are also point saving tips down at the bottom of the brand specific widgets! Which is a great way to keep yourself on track and still eat a yummy meal!

Which hack do you think you’ll be trying? Let me know down in the comments below!


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