Tag: muffin

Oatmeal Packet Muffin: Pumpkin Chocolate Chip

Jump to Recipe I perfected an instant oatmeal chocolate chip pumpkin muffin! I had to make it at work so I transported the wet ingredients in my divided yogurt cup. PrintPumpkin Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Packet Muffin Ingredients1 WW or other brand instant oatmeal (or 1/3 cup quick cook oats)1/2 cup […]

The “Oatmeal Packet” Muffin

I get asked every single day (literally) how to make “the oatmeal packet muffin”. Well here ya go! 💜please give me a 👍🏼 like or share so we can answer this daily question for someone else💜 The Oatmeal Packet Muffin, 3 FSP (remember to count points of you add anything […]