Weight Watchers Chat #351 “Build a New Habit by Starting With An Old One!”

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News and Reviews

  • Today is the first day of the Lean Protein/Zero Point Food Challenge hosted by Julie over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group. Hope in any time, it’s not a competition with anyone but yourself!
  • Two quick food finds!  I finally found the elusive PB2 Crunchy at Kroger here in Knoxville. At 1 point for 2 Tbsp I’m anxious to figure out some ways to use this and see how it tastes. And, Casey and Allan introduced me to this…this literally Himalayan gold…fantastically buttery and absolutely delicious popcorn. Lesser Evil’s Himalayan Gold pre-popped popcorn is 4 points for 3 cups but is gluten free, no vegetable oil, minimally processed and pure tastebud gold!
  • Last up, not to bring down the mood but I wanted to warn you all that Dusty The Dog has had a really bad last few days and has a vet appointment tomorrow.  I say he’s 17, John and Casey think he’s 18, regardless I’m a little nervous about tomorrow’s visit. I need to keep my spirits up tonight so let’s keep going but please feel free to send happy thoughts our and his way!


Last week was Chat #350 “How to Move More and Actually Enjoy It!”


Karen and I started walking together when our kids were little and honestly it’s still our jam.

We have not been able to walk in almost a month after alternating illnesses and then 10” of snow followed by ice. We are both over the moon that we get to walk Monday morning…haven’t found your movement mojo?  Keep listening! 

Pro Tips for Finding Your Perfect Way to Move More:

All the feels

You may not have even considered this, but how do you want to feel when you complete the activity?  John and I have a friend who almost literally doesn’t feel “worked out” unless she’s doubled over in a sweat and on the verge of puking.  That’s not me.

My list is: a little out of breath (just a little), sweaty is ok (sweat makes fat cry LOL), and good about what I just accomplished.

Make your own list!

Party at the disco? Or flying solo?

Step next is deciding if you would rather do the activity with someone (or someones) or you’d rather go it alone.

Karen and I have a friend who wanted us to try a group workout that was crowded, high intensity frenzy, and just too much going on. We made it a few weeks and went back to walking with each other, with another family member or alone.

We love our friend, we did not love the big group.  What’s your preference?

Find Your Movement Mojo!

You may have to try a few things before you find something that really settles in as your movement mojo. It may also change based on the season, the weather, even where you are at the time (example: my beach mojo is totally different than my stuck in a hotel traveling mojo). Once you “feel” like the description in paragraph one you are on your way!


Your homework was #MovementMojo. Last week I wanted to know if you’ve already found your mojo good for you, share it with us! If not, take a few minutes to go through the steps above and let us know what you try out!

  • Julie is a lone wolf and is on her stationery bike at 4a.m. getting 30 minutes, 3000 steps,  and 20oz water before the day starts
  • Karen didn’t volunteer to do her homework but I’m answering for her LOL. She feels best after walking with her long time walking buddy (me!) and can get in some steps, a little sweat, and solve all the world’s problems. But she has started a new pilates class at the YMCA and is enjoying the workout and the camaraderie with the other pilate-ers!
  • There were lots of others who did their homework but I have to say this little lady knows what her movement mojo is for sure. Beau has discovered the radio in the camper and takes every opportunity to turn a visit out there into a dance party. Her mojo is high energy, wants others to join in, and the louder the better!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: “Build a New Habit by Starting With an Old One!” 

According to Merriam Webster the definition of “piggy back” when used as a verb is



variants or less commonly pickaback

piggybacked also pickabacked; piggybacking also pickabacking; piggybacks also pickabacks

transitive verb

1: to carry up on the shoulders and back

2: to haul (something, such as a truck trailer) by railroad car

3: to set up or cause to function in conjunction with something larger, more important, or already in existence or operation



Pro Tips for Piggy Backing an old habit to help build a new one:

Recognize the Routine

First make a quick list of things you already do every day without even thinking about them. Nothing glamorous…things like brushing teeth, putting on a seat belt, waiting in traffic, letting the shower get warm


Choose the Cue

Next choose which of these things could be a cue to also add in the new habit you want to create. Let’s say for example that you watch the news every morning at the same time for the same amount of time, that could be a cue for a new habit!


Do The Piggy Back!

Finally try out the new habit while you piggy back it with the old one and see how it fits. In our example above you could piggy back tracking your meals for the day, or filling up your water to take on the commute to work, or even doing some countertop pushups!


This Week’s Homework: #DoThePiggyBack

Your homework for this week is #DoThePiggyBack. Pick a habit you’ve been wanting to try out and let us know what you will piggy back it with, super easy peasy!  Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is someone who needs the idea you have already rattling around in your head. Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else!  Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!


Don’t forget to do your homework #DoThePiggyBack and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: Guest Recipe – Melisa’s Tangy Chickpea Salad!

Melisa is one of the members of my Tuesday night meeting with Gwen. Before she started WW, she did keto for a while. But, the problem was that Melisa was stuck on a weight loss/gain roller coaster! She was also miserable because she felt like she couldn’t eat anything starchy or carbs.

A friend invited her to our WW meeting, and the first night she came she told Gwen “I know this isn’t going to work.” Well, over the next few weeks and months, she started to slowly lose weight! But that wasn’t made Melisa so excited. Suddenly, she had all sorts of things she could eat! Her array of options had exploded. She could eat starchy things! She could eat carbs!

Because of this, she has been creating some fun and exciting meals, and the Tangy Chickpea Salad is one of our favorites! This recipe is so easy yo customize and have fun with… and its absolutely delicious!


I’ve posted the ingredients and instructions over on Melisa’s Tangy Chickpea Salad.


  • Tastes better refrigerated overnight but can be eaten immediately. Stores well in the fridge for 3-5 days when stored in an airtight (preferably glass) container.
  • This salad can be frozen but I don’t recommend it because some of the ingredients will be mushy or break down in the freezer.
  • Don’t forget to save your chickpea juice to make Aquafaba!
  • From Melisa: Olive Garden Dressing is the best but you can use any lower point Italian dressing!

Are you going to try Melisa’s recipe? Let me know in the comments how you would customize it!


Quick Links:

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