WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #225: Bye Bye Negative Self Talk

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WW News May 2021:

  • KNOXVILLE GIRLS! IN PERSON Workshops are changing rapidly, currently you can attend any of these (keep checking Connect for W Knox, Thompson Lane and Franklin to stay up to date for middle and east TN)
    • Monday at 12:15pm with Coach Gwen R at Cedar Bluff main location
    • Tuesday at 9am with Coach Gwen R at Powell (Beaver Creek Cumberland Baptist Church)
    • Thursday at 12:15pm with Coach Sandi P at Cedar Bluff main location
    • Saturday at 8am with Coach Sheryl M at Cedar Bluff main location
    • Saturday at 9:30am with Coach Sheryl M at Cedar Bluff main location
  • Wellness Check-Ins (no workshop, just check in)
    • Cedar Bluff Main Location (9208 Kingston Pike)
      • Thursdays 10am – 11:30am as of April 22
      • Saturdays 9am – 11am
    • Powell( Beaver Creek Cumberland Church)
      • Tuesdays 8:30am – 9:30am
    • Maryville (Maryville Church of Christ)
        • Saturdays 8am – 10am
  • To find a wellness check in: Go to WW → Connect → and find the Kingston Pike – W Knoxville, TN group for more info. You can also join me on Sunday afternoons at 2:30pm eastern in this same virtual workshop with hostess Gwen, my fave WW’er and the inspiration for the name of our group If You Have an Egg! East TN Lifetime Members who were in good standing when COVID started have had their membership extended again until the end of June 2021. You will need to attend a Wellness Workshop during the month of June to continue those privileges.
  • The month’s theme is “Get Stronger” and focuses on finding ways to help keep our brains strong…even though your brain is not a muscle it’s so important to exercise it!
  • May’s way to support IYHAE! I’ve decided each month I will list a new way you can help keep this FREE content coming. This month we are asking you to simply visit our RECOMMENDATIONS page and if you see something you like, want to try, or would like to send to a friend please click on it and check it out! Shopping via a  link to our Amazon recommendations provides a tiny affiliate sponsorship and all the littles can really add up!  http://www.ifyouhaveanegg.com/product-category/recommendations/?orderby=price


Last week during Chat #224: Meal Plan Your Way to a Stronger Body we learned that three of the most important nutrients for building strength from the inside out are protein, calcium and vitamin D.  

Protein is power. Literally. A healthy dose of protein at each meal powers muscles, strengthens bones, and even helps your body transport other important substances in, out, and through your bloodstream. This article from Healthline is worth a read if you want to find out more about how important protein is to your body and your weight loss success https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/functions-of-protein#TOC_TITLE_HDR_9

Calcium is great for your bones but when paired with Vitamin D both are absorbed better for maximum benefits. This power combo is thought to alleviate inflammation, improve cholesterol levels, heart rate and blood pressure. Additional studies also show that low levels of Vitamin D could be a risk factor in the onset of dementia…so this combo may also make your brain stronger! (please seek you physician’s advice before using any supplements to prevent or improve cardiovascular or neurological health) 

Your homework for last week’s chat was #PowerUp. Pick one meal for this week and figure out a way to include protein, calcium, AND vitamin D…then type it, snap it, however you want to share it and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Let’s see how you did!

  • Tina made yummy looking fajitas: Protein = fajita chicken / Calcium = cheese and sour cream / Vitamin D = lots of natural occurring while camping this weekend!
  • Sylvia has been busy going to grandkid ball games so I’m proud of her for finding time to power up.  Lunch today was tuna salad (protein, calcium, Vitamin D) on an enriched sandwich round (Vitamin D) with a banana (she added potassium for good measure!)
  • Carol Lou says YES! Protein? Yes, that man’s turkey, hard boiled egg, light cheese / Calcium? Yes, hard boiled egg, light cheese, veggies / Vitamin D? Yes, hard boiled egg, light cheese. And Boom! Her HUGE lunch was only 1 point on Purple

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: Bye Bye Critical Self Talk

Getting rid of negative or critical self-talk can let you say “hello” to a stronger mind. And the more you practice it the stronger your brain (and your attitude) will be!


Y’all know how much I love a positive affirmation on a simple note card. Add some stickers or fun writing and I’m a happy girl. Even better…write yourself a note that you would write to a friend. Does that really work?

Sure does! When others say things like “you’ve got this”, “wow you are so dedicated”, “look what a beautiful plate you made” the appropriate response is Thank You! And then do yourself a favor…right down those same words and repeat them to yourself when you need a pick-me-up.  Post them on the fridge. Stick one of them on the scale.

Studies show when you speak, write and refer to yourself with these same positive affirmations you can have an effective and pro-active response in times of need. Eventually you will strengthen your mindset and say bye bye to the critical self talk chatter!


This Week’s Homework: #ByeByeBadChatter

Your homework for this week is #ByeByeBadChatter. Write down one (or a couple) of the positive affirmations that popped in your head…then type it, snap it, however you want to share it and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Don’t forget to do your homework #ByeByeBadChatter and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: 10 Unlikely Weight Loss Tools

Since many of you are at the beach, camping, boating or grilling for the holiday weekend I thought I would take a break on cooking for the second half of the chat. Instead I’d like to introduce (or re-introduce!) 10 Unlikely Weight Loss Tools…let me know if you use any of them (or others) in the comments below!


  1. Index Cards:  in chats “Index Card Meal Idea Swap”, “Index Card Swap Time” and “Index Card System” you’ll see just how far I’ll go to make sure I have something physical (tangible) written down so I can refer back to it later. That goes for keeping things like index cards reminding me why I’m important, what I did last time something happened, notes of self encouragement, and notes like “I’m so _________ I feel like __________” which can be extremely revealing.  Note cards…use em.

  2. Ice Cube Trays: Yes, we need ice Kelly duh. Yes you do especially in this suddenly hot E Tennessee weather but did you know you can use ice cube trays to 
    • Portion out and freeze fat free ricotta
    • Crush or mince garlic and freeze to have it ready for a recipe
    • Freeze flavored water to add to a sports bottle for a fun pick me  up
    • Chop, mix with flavored water and freeze fruit or mint to add to a punch bowl or glass beverage dispenser for a delicious (and pretty) party drink

  3. Permanent Marker: They’re not just for writing in your kid’s camp clothes anymore. Use a permanent marker to label grocery containers with serving sizes and points for quick and easy reference!

  4. Ice Cream Scoop: Yes this is a great tool for measuring ice cream before you serve yourself. BUT, did you know an average ice cream scoop like this one is exactly ¼ cup? I use it to measure ice cream, yogurt, other liquids, mashed potatoes or mac n’ cheese (notice the handy built in tato scraper) and more

  5. Mouthwash: or toothpaste or mint sugar free gum. Do you know how hard it is to pop a chip or candy in your mouth when it’s all minty fresh…gross! And using the mouthwash or toothpaste (or both) at your designated “I’m done eating” time will help reinforce that behavior

  6. Elastic Bands: I can’t use rubber bands but you can certainly use them in place of a hair elastic. These are great “tools” and I use them for everything like key chains for the gym, holding together a couple of snack bars in a big purse or bag so you can find them, and even for attaching measuring spoons to common foods that tend to cause “the creep” when not measured!

  7. Deodorant:  Those around you at the gym are thankful that I mentioned this. But you’ve never used stick deodorant to keep a sports bra from rubbing or to avoid chafing from your thighs rubbing together stop right now and try it

  8. Binder Clips: Sure these can keep a bag closed, keep your Weeklies organized, or hang notes from a corkboard but did you know you can use them to hang your bags of frozen items from the bottom of wire shelves in the freezer so you can see what you have, they are less likely to freezer burn, and you never forget what’s tucked alllll the way on the back of that shelf. They work best with these bag closing sticks that you can find on my affiliate links, just seal and “clip” to the wire shelving rack in a neat row

  9. Water Bottles: Ok Kelly, now you’re just making up things. Of course we need water bottles! Yeah yeah but have you ever thought about grabbing a couple and getting in a quick arm workout when you aren’t near your weight? Sure they are just one pound each, but add enough reps and you can work up a little sweat with no extra equipment

  10. Gift Cards: Not just any gift cards…always keep a gift card for whatever is your sure fire, never fail, I can always find something on plan place. You are much more likely to make the good choice if it’s already paid for and ready to use!


Quick Links:

Don’t forget to celebrate your Bravos with our downloadable stickers!

Need to know where to get something I mentioned? Check out the recommendations section to get all my favorite goodies.


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