WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #252: Make The Most of Your Budget!

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WW News December 2021:

  • We discussed the WW guide to Starbucks a couple of weeks ago and I just found the companion piece to Dunkin! Check out the lower point options at your favorite donut shop turned coffee joint here https://www.weightwatchers.com/us/m/cms/blog/food/healthy-dunkin-donuts-drink-options
  • This is only relevant this week…but how are my girls in Kentucky? We got a small snippet of that storm and I’ll just say, bless your hearts. Please shout out to let us know you are ok and if you need anything…seriously. Kentucky isn’t that far from me. If you had anything WW related destroyed, lost, ruined, let us know…I may have it or could find it!
  • It’s 12 days until Christmas….that’s not WW news but I thought you needed to know 🙂

The month’s theme is “Find Balance” and we will spend the entire month finding ways to change the “all or nothing super overwhelming” holiday season into a “balanced and say yes to what you really want” season to enjoy!


Last week during Chat #251: Move Your Way to a Better Mood some of you were polishing your halos while the rest of us admitted that we aren’t always merry and bright during the holiday season. I’m not saying we are Grinchy all the time but….for when those times do come here are a few quick tips to get back in the holiday spirit and Bust That Mood!

Brain Fog

You know what I mean, you’ve been making lists and checking them twice or a work deadline before your holiday vacation is keeping you tied to your desk. If your brain has reached “fogged in without a red nose reindeer” status try this:

  • Move your laptop or card list to a different spot and try standing while you work on it for 15 – 20 minutes. You might feel so good you stand there longer!
  • Take the dog for a quick walk. He will enjoy it and your brain will too.
  • Get away from your work and do toe touches, stretch, or even get in a few countertop push ups.

Hallmark Movie Mood

Whether you love or hate the boy meets girl, girl avoids boy, we all have a wonderful life movies invading our airspace right now, the sappy stories can sometimes create moods of sadness, loneliness, I wish it snowed every day and all the men looked handsome without a shirt while shoveling snow and holding a puppy-ness. If the holidays get you down try:

  • Taking a stroll around your neighborhood looking at the lights with a friend.
  • Organizing those family photos that have been sitting in a box.
  • Find your favorite kid and build a snowman or have a snowball fight!

Can’t Do It All So Why Did I Sign Up for This? Mood

This one is a bugger. You said yes to every party, even offered to make some of the food. Your holiday card list is longer than the hours you have left to hand write each one. The best intentions were there but now you’re more Grinch than Cindy Lou today. Try this:

  • Set the cards for the friends who love you most aside (they will forgive you!) and walk a handwritten card to an elderly neighbor or two. I promise you will be just as blessed as they will be.
  • Take a laundry basket and make a quick trip around your home. Find an object or two in each room that doesn’t belong there and put it in the basket. When you are done, decide if you even need those items and make a giveaway box of the ones you don’t. Decluttering your home also declutters your mind!
  • Walk in place for a few minutes while you scroll through the channels and find a favorite holiday movie or music. It will make your project move so much faster and your mood so much better!


Your homework for last week was #BustaMood. This week’s homework earns you a badge and a better mood!  Figure out what small thing you will do to move and bust a mood this season ….and then type it, snap it, however you want to share it and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Let’s see how you did!

  • Teri has been going to restorative therapy to replace stamina, flexibility, and strength she lost during her battle with breast cancer. One thing they used during therapy was a yoga ball. She got one for herself and says whenever she’s in a bad mood she gets it out because you have to concentrate on not falling off and you feel like a kid again!
  • Mary Ann got up earlier to get her workout in so she could clear her head and make better decisions that day. Isn’t it great how that works?
  • Lynn was sitting watching tv and noticed that her coffee table needed cleaning. Next thing she knew the table was clean, the living room was dusted, and she was in such a festive mood she got out her Christmas decorations and got all her decorating done!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: Make The Most of Your Budget!

Budgets at the holidays are like speed limits in the Sahara…what’s the point right?


Even though I’m not very good at sticking to budgets this time of year, if I set one I am at least more mindful of what I originally intended to do. Eating budgets are the same way. Even if you don’t intend to track for the next (how many days did I say it was until Christmas?) you should at least make a budget, write it down, and refer back as needed!


Emotional Budget

If food(s) (or even a situation) at the holidays are tied to a very strong emotion, you better plan how to budget for it now or pay for that indecision later

  • Grandma’s famous _______. Plan ONE in your budget and savor it without guilt.
  • The “I can only get this at/from/with ______” food item. Whatever you do, don’t try to substitute it with a cheap knock off. You’ll waste points, be disappointed and probably won’t enjoy it as much when you do have it
  • When I was a little kid we used to ________. Well most of you are grown ups now so if you filled in the blank with “lick the beaters” just move on. If you filled it in with “played football in the backyard after lunch on Sunday” then go for it, your budget will replenish with +1 activity points and you will get that feel good moment back!


Sales Rep / Drug Rep / Well Meaning Strangers in Your Office Budget

They mean well, they really do. No one needs a one pound bag of assorted Hershey’s chocolates or a dozen tiny bundt cakes. Seriously guys come on. If you are facing that dreaded “ding dong…your rep is carrying bags from Harry & David” moment try this!

  • Let your rep / boss / secret Santa know that you are killing it on this new program and would LOVE to have a double shot espresso over ice in a venti cup instead of the cookies they were going to buy you. Then add your own sugar free syrup and some vanilla or chocolate protein drink and enjoy!
  • Tell the person you are really into saving the planet this year and would think more highly of them (and maybe even order more next year) if they gave to your favorite charity this year instead of bringing you an non recyclable styrofoam container full of homemade candy.
  • Have a co-worker contact them “anonymously” and say “you know what Tiffany would love this year? She’s been dying to take her son, daughter, significant other, whoever to the ice skating rink downtown. You should get her tickets…she would love you!”


Ho Ho Hold It!

You will be offered food left and right during the holidays, but you are by no means obligated to take food that you’re offered or obligated to participate in things that you didn’t budget for.

  • Skip the leftovers to-go box
  • Politely decline offers for food that you didn’t budget for 
  • No thank you is still an acceptable response


This Week’s Homework: #HoHoHoldIt

Your homework for this week is #HoHoHoldIt. Find one holiday food or situation you need to deal with and tell us how you will Ho Ho Hold It! ….and then type it, snap it, however you want to share it and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Don’t forget to do your homework #HoHoHoldIt and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: WW Budget Friendly Holiday Gift Ideas

We are just days away from  Christmas and whether you celebrate the holiday or not, you’re likely to be affected in some way by the holiday (especially where food is concerned). We spent the first half of the chat talking about how to handle well-meaning gift givers and we’re going to spend our extra credit talking over some gift ideas that you can give to help your loved ones stay on track this holiday season!


WW-Friendly Gift Guide

  1. Glass Irish Coffee Mug with Alpine Sugar-Free Spiced Apple Cider
    You can find these adorable mugs just about anywhere (Dollar Tree, Walmart, etc.) and you might even get lucky like I did and find them decorated with a holiday pattern! Bundle a cute mug up with a package of apple cider mix for an adorable holiday gift!

  2. Mason Jar Hot Chocolate Gift
    Pack a Ball (or any brand) mason jar with a sugar-free hot chocolate package and maybe even a gift card! This makes a perfect teacher gift!

  3. Popcorn Treat Boxes
    Find a treat box that’s decorated like a movie theater popcorn box (or any other treat box) and fill it with bags of SkinnyGirl popcorn, hot cocoa mix, and flavored popcorn seasoning

  4. Locally-Roasted Flavored Coffee
    For the coffee lover in your life, choose a bag of uniquely blended local coffee and pair it with a bottle of Jordan’s Skinny Syrups to let them be their own barista at home! You could even throw in a fun holiday travel mug!

  5. Tea Time Gift Set
    Grab some delicious herbal tea (local if possible!) and gift it with a handmade mug and some unique tea accessories.

  6. Chocolate Spoons
    One of my favorite gifts to make is chocolate spoons to go with hot chocolate for an extra special treat! To make this simple gift, melt some Lily’s chocolate chips (your favorite variety) in a microwave-safe bowl, dip a wooden spoon into the chocolate, then sprinkle peppermint chips for a festive and delicious gift

  7. Hot Chocolate Mix
    Did you ever think of gifting hot chocolate? I’m showing you all my powdered hot chocolate recipe which can be easily packaged in mason jars topped with reCap lids for easy pouring! 


Quick Links:

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Need to know where to get something I mentioned? Check out the recommendations section to get all my favorite goodies.


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