Weight Watchers Chat #291: Make Breakfast Work for You!

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News and Reviews October 2022

  • #SorryNotSorry….The Vols beat Bama yesterday wooooo hoooo!!! Whether you are a football fan or not you gotta gimme this one.  It’s been 15 year since we won so congratulations are definitely in order!
  • I have a Crocktober correction and announcement to make. There was a rumor that it was today at 9am…wrongo…the 9am eastern mass post on YouTube for Crocktober hosted by Joan’s Pointed Plate is NEXT Sunday, Oct 23rd at 9am eastern. I’ve already done my video AND we already ate all of it LOL. My video will be posted at this link and I will have all the other participants linked in the description. It’s looking like another good one!
  • Speaking of YouTube…they just announced that we can now do “handles” meaning it will be even easier for you to search and find your favorites! Mine is you guessed it @ifyouhaveanegg so you simply type in https://www.youtube.com/@ifyouhaveanegg and voila you can go straight to my channel!


Last week during Chat #290: Take Charge Meal Prep after I named this week’s chat “Take Charge Meal Prep” I realized it’s really more about just taking charge of your meals. Some prepping might be involved, but with the week I have coming up I just need to take charge of the meal, whatever “it” is or what food it involves. Raise your hand if you have had (or are having) a week like that!

Whether you are prepping or not, what are some great ways to simply take charge of those meals?

KISS (Keep It Simple Silly)

This isn’t the first time we’ve talked about the KISS method for this journey. When you think about meals sometimes keeping it soooooo ridiculously simple it’s, well, ridiculous! Think of things like string cheese and an apple. A frozen meal with some veggies added. My most KISS meals are ones that the grandkids love anyway!

Make a list and check it, twice!

Ok you don’t have to check it twice but do make a list! You may remember the index cards I used to have you all do (for a true blast from the past watch one of those chats!) Things I record on index cards and keep handy

  • Meal ideas that were easy, fast, satisfying, but I may not remember
  • Simple recipes that I need to take out in a pinch
  • Cheater notes of favorite eating out spots and point values

Phone a friend

Sometimes you just need someone in your peer group to chime in ya know? During this week’s in-person workshop someone asked about Cracker Barrel and we had an informative and helpful 5 minute discussion about how to order, where to find the points, and some surprising lower point options. If you don’t know, just need some advice, or can’t decide just pick up the phone (or Facebook group)!


Your homework for last week was  #SimplyEatIt. Last week I asked you to tell us how you keep your sanity with what you eat….and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Let’s see how you did!

  • Deanna shared her simple to make, versatile, store well and low in  points 2 ingredient bagel recipe that you can save to your own recipe builder…you didn’t even have to phone a friend, she just phoned you!
  • Phyllis followed through with a broccoli cheese soup recipe she had been thinking about AND used her broccoli before it spoiled and she had to throw it out. That made a warm and delicious meal to last her for several days!
  • Katy made a yummy sheet pan meal and used it for her dinners when she’s working her second job!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: How To Make Breakfast Work for You!

Question Time!

  1. Do you eat breakfast every day / most days / no days?
  2. What time do you eat breakfast?
  3. When you hear the word “breakfast” what food(s) pops into your head?


In case you hadn’t heard, breakfast is not only just for champions anymore, it may not even be for all of us anymore. What Kelly? The most important meal of the day? Say it isn’t so!

What You’re Doing Matters

Reasons to eat when you first get up might include: exercise / activity, too long until your next meal, using your brain, health issues that require you eat early, etc…

Reasons to wait might include: sedentary day, had a big meal the night before, or you’re just not hungry


What You Eat Matters

If you look up “breakfast of champions” you will find it was originally a marketing slogan for a popular breakfast cereal. That same cereal is also 130 calories for a cup, contains 240 grams of sodium, and 30 grams of carbohydrates – 5 of which are sugar. Champions aren’t eating muffins, sugar-laden cereal, or scones to start every day.

If you like traditional breakfast foods try: eggs, fresh fruit, whole wheat bread/english muffins, fat free cream cheese, or non sugary oats / oatmeal 

If you don’t like traditional breakfast foods how about: a lean ham or turkey sandwich in a wrap with veggies, string cheese and an apple, a homemade smoothie without all the extra sugar


When You Eat…Not So Much!

The idea of “when” your first meal of the day should be got A LOT of attention at our in-person workshop. When you eat your first meal of the day you are “breaking a fast” which simply means you are eating for the first time that day. What time is the best time? That’s all you baby!


This Week’s Homework: #BreakThatFast

Your homework for this week is #BreakThatFast. This week I want you to tell us what time your first meal is on most days and what you eat.  Simple as that!  Remember, this is a no judgment zone and your homework may just let someone else know it’s ok to break that fast their own way! ….and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!


Extra Credit: Egg Lady Labs – Beep Egg Test!

In keeping with the breakfast theme of this week’s chat, we’re going to be testing out a product that was gifted to me – the Beep Egg!


The concept is pretty simple – we’ll add the Beep Egg to our water while boiling eggs and it’ll play a tune at 3 intervals to let you know when you’ve achieved a soft, medium, or hard boiled egg.

For soft boiled, we’ll hear “America the Beautiful”
For medium boiled, we’ll hear “Hit the Road, Jack”
For hard boiled, we’ll hear “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”

The first instruction provided is to store the Beep Egg in the fridge alongside your eggs so they’re the same temperature going into your boiling water. 

Now, you all know that I’m not good at cooking hard boiled eggs in the traditional way (I typically make mine in the air fryer), so this will be a true test of the Beep Egg’s capabilities! I’ve even prepared an air-fried egg which came out perfectly so that’ll be our “control” for our experiment.

So, how did it go?

  • I’ve never made a soft boiled egg before, but according to our live watchers my soft boiled egg turned out perfect! 
  • My medium boiled egg was ready pretty quickly after the soft boiled egg, but it turned out well too! The yolk was still a little runny but definitely more solid than the soft boiled egg. I will say, I had a difficult time peeling this one.

As expected, my air fryer hard boiled egg was super easy to peel and turned out perfectly. In comparison, the egg I hard boiled with the Beep Egg came out just as good! I still had some trouble peeling this one, but the finished product was perfectly cooked.

What other cool gadgets should we try out? Let me know in the comments!


Quick Links:

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Need to know where to get something I mentioned? Check out the recommendations section to get all my favorite goodies.


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