Weight Watchers Chat #320: No Mo’ “Oh No!”

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News and Reviews

Yesterday (June 3rd) was National Egg Day! I celebrated by adding a scrambled egg to my chicken biscuit at Chick Fil A and then a hardboiled egg to my salad. How did you celebrate?  And comment below with your favorite way to celebrate with eggs!


Last week in Chat #319: Baby Steps to Bigger Steps, I told you I meet and/or talk to people almost every week who think they aren’t getting any meaningful activity or worse, that they can’t.. If that’s you, raise your hand, stand up (if you’re able), walk away, walk back, and hang on for some eye opening fast facts!

A little bit of something is better than a whole lotta nothing

Ok that’s not exactly a fast fact, but it’s a scientific fact that all movement counts towards improving your health and some is better than none.

Break It Down

Breaking down any fitness into smaller bits and your goals into small doable steps significantly increases your ability to do it AND keep it up

Dance. Smile. Giggle.

This quote from Mandy Hale sums it up. “Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of always focusing on how far you have to go.”

― Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass


Your homework was #DanceSmileGiggle.This week I want you to find one way to dance, smile and giggle your way into a little bit of activity. It might be doing the new Danny Go dance along with your grandkids. Maybe it’s splashing in the surf with your favorite walking buddy. Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Let’s see how you did!

  • I did my homework last week by going with Casey and the girls on a little hike on the Storybook Trail and then to the park.  I got a shocking 6,100 steps just chasing giggling girls around!
  • Deanna got a wading pool…what?  I’m jealous!  She’s been splishing and splashing her way to a little extra fitness and keeping cool while she did it!
  • Karen is visiting her daughter in the UK this week and has enjoyed every minute of those extra steps while they sight see and enjoy her company!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: 

What if I never lose all of this weight? Worse yet, what if I lose it all and then gain it all back plus some???


My fearless leader Gwen calls unwarranted thoughts of doom and gloom “awful-izing”. Instead of visualizing the positive, thinking things like “what if my house burns down while I’m at work?”, “what if the cruise ship sinks while we are too far out to sea to swim back?”, “what if Chris Hemsworth or *gasp* Jason Momoa showed up at my door and I haven’t lost any of this weight??”

Yeah,  none of those are likely to happen but “awful-izing” can make any of these keep you up at night and worse, that kind of thinking can derail your weight loss efforts!

WW Fast Fact #1 – Your brain is hardwired to protect you

Feeling anxious or even pre-worrying about a potential situation is your brain’s way of saying “whoa there big fella, are you sure you want to do X, Y or Z?  You might get hurt, might be disappointed, (fill in the blank) so how about we just stay safe over here by not trying that ok?


WW Fast Fact #2 – Doubting can lead to inaction

Having even just a little doubt about whether or not you can do something can actually lead you to inaction.  Imagine if you were an Olympic Diver and your coach said “I don’t know guys, we will probably lose but let’s just suck it up and go out there and try not to do a belly flop in front of millions of  Americans ok?”.  Even if you are the best of the best having that kind of awful-izing session would probably keep you from even going  up the ladder


WW Fast Fact #3 – Best case scenario thinking (no matter how also unlikely!) can lead to increased confidence!

Think of the wildest, absolute best case scenario for some weight loss concern that you’ve found yourself awful-izing. Something like:

“I’m at my goal weight but I’ll never be able to keep it off. What if I gain it all back and then some??”

Replaced with “I’m at my goal weight so what if I did keep attending meetings and make WW give me free e-tools for life!”

And you’ve got yourself saying No Mo’ you awful-izing Oh Nos!


This Week’s Homework: #WhatIfIDid

Your homework for this week is #WhatIfIDid. Identify one “awful-izing” phrase  you’ve said to yourself and replace it with “what if I did” and something so outrageous you would have to be crazy not to run towards it! Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Don’t forget to do your homework #WhatIfIDid and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: Summer Salad Series – Big Mac Salad 

This recipe has me so excited! It is such a simple, easy salad and makes my fast food craving go away without wasting all of those points!


We used quite a few G Hughes dressings and sauces in the past, and today highlighted the Secret Burger Sauce! It adds that perfect extra kick to really elevate the Big Mac Salad to fast food yumminess!

Amazon Link to G Hughes Sauces:


A Special THANK YOU shout out to everyone who sent Stars during the chat this week!

  • Johnna for 99 Stars!
  • Carol Lou for 310 Stars!
  • Sylvia for 99 Stars!
  • Rita for 100 Stars!
  • Marlene for 50 Stars!


Quick Links:

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Need to know where to get something I mentioned? Check out the recommendations section to get all my favorite goodies.


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