Scrambled Ramblings: Little Voices in Your Head

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Hi it’s Kelly from! Today we had a question from Sandy via YouTube, Sandy writes:

“Even if I track the voice in my head constantly says {mainly at night} you need to have a doughnut ex. it doesn’t subside till I listen to that voice and give in. Then I feel bad and repeat the process the next day. How do you not listen to that voice in your head. HELP Sandy H.”

Aren’t those little voices the worst? At least when it’s said loud and clear we have an opportunity to say “whoa hold on a minute…” but it’s the little sneaky, annoying voices that get me too! Since we can’t excommunicate the little buggers here is my 3 Step Program for just avoiding the situation altogether!

1) no Red Light food in the house. Period. I can no more stay out of a full size bag of chips than a recovering alcoholic can have “just one drink”. No chips in my house, no red light food in yours. If it’s not there you have a 100% better chance of avoiding it and hey, even if the little voice wins you’ll burn some FitPoints changing out of your jammies and getting somewhere to buy it

2) I plan for a 2 to 4 point snack every night. It satisfies my need to munch late at night while I wind down and I can tell the little voice to calm down…we are not going to starve before morning!

3) Always eat with witnesses. I used to hide in the closet and dare anyone to come in while I ate things I wasn’t going to write down. I even through the wrappers in the outside trash as soon as I was done so no one would question me. Another set of eyes on the food situation all help you stay accountable, maybe you’ll write some more things down, and heck the company may be so good that you forget about the food altogether!

Thanks for your question Sandy, y’all keep em comin!
a.k.a. The Egg Lady


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