Weight Watchers Chat #90: Find Some Time

4 comments In the spirit of transparency, I do receive commission from mentioning some of the products in this post. Any commission I earn comes at no additional cost to you and I’ll never recommend products that I don’t use, love and believe in.

Weight Watchers Chat #90: Find More Time

(TNP) —->

So I may not be the best person to be leading this chat…time management is not my skill. I’m more the “hey I did everything else creative I could think of first and then crammed that very important task into the last 10 minutes and still got it done” girl. Heck, most of the time my waited until the last minute (let’s be honest waited until after the last minute) projects are my best work. Case in point, Casey and Allan’s wedding reception. It was magnificent and would not have been one ounce better if I had started on it on time. Ask my best procrastinator friends…they will vouch for me.

But I need this chat. You may need this chat. Someone near and dear to us at this moment is thinking “dear Lord I’m tired of them not having time, always rushing around, waiting until the last minute _________ (fill in the blank) please tell them to watch this chat”.

If you are a time management pro please don’t try to fix me. The best has tried and we paid him a lot of money. All he succeeded in doing was teaching me to make even PRETTIER charts with more colors than I had been making previously. He saved no time. He did not organize me. He taught me some very fancy words that make my disorganized organization sound good. That’s all.

But we need to Find Some Time.

Guess what? There are 24 hours in a day. I know that’s news. The mom with the perfect hair, kids with bento box lunches, and an organized pantry does not get 25 hours. She gets 24 just like you and just like me. What she does have is either mad organizational skills that I will never see, or a Nanny. I’m guessing Nanny 🙂

Even though I’m not great at time management there are a few things I have learned, practice, and occasionally use to keep me from wandering too far off from where and what I was supposed to be working on….no squirrel comments from the peanut gallery!

– Ways to save a little (or a lot) of time!

• List making: bullet journals, post it notes, wipe off boards…if it gets it off your mind and keeps you headed in the right direction I suggest you choose a method

• Enlisting help: have y’all noticed how much more calm I am since Kc has been editing the chat videos? She is getting training for her vlog, it’s a creative outlet for her, I have 2 hours a week of my life back, and they just keep getting better and better and better

• Don’t be afraid to say no. Kids, spouses, bosses (as long as it’s not me), it’s ok to tell someone no and you don’t have to make up an excuse. Someone please remind me I said this later hahaha.

• Use your tools. I was happy to find that the WW app had updated the recipe builder onto the app and then THRILLED when it updated to have the scanner. This has literally saved me at least an hour a week in recipe building. I have also been scanning and adding to my ClickList app. For the weeks I just can’t make it to the store I now have a pretty fleshed out list of the essentials that I can click, order and pick up….time saver!

• Time it! I get distracted on social media and alternately don’t make the time for little things like cleaning. Today I set a timer and spent one hour checking, reading and responding to all your week one messages. Then I set another timer and spent one hour cleaning out my freezer. Let’s just say I’m ready for a grocery haul that includes some frozens!

• Invest time to save time: probably my least favorite thing that the overpriced organizational guru tried to teach me. But sometimes he was right. I’ve been struggling with time to get everything done in a day at the granite shop. I can multitask 3-5 things at one time. Not even kidding. But my stack is getting larger and the emotional energy to stay ahead of it shrinking. So….I’ve decided to invest some time…I’m going to start being a stay at home grandma with Alyssa one day a week. I believe I can invest some quality time with a toddler and get MORE DONE than when I am surrounded by 12 needy adults who don’t know how to take a turn and seem to have forgotten that when “mommy is already on the phone” you don’t stand and call her name. This is my homework for myself. And for you. I want you to invest a little time in something, anything, and see if it makes you more time for something. What will it be? Remember our meeting still give Bravo stickers so tag me as you do your homework!

The Weight Watchers Week One Kickstart video we mentioned can be found here:

Weight Watchers Week One

Here is the Walmart Haul that goes with the WW Week One Kickstart!

Weight Watchers Walmart Haul


  1. Thank you for all that you do! I know putting all this together takes a great deal of time. I just want you to know that I appreciate all that you do.
    Thanks again for everything!

  2. I have the same organizational skills you have–I do best closer to the deadline. And, as a Granny, I’m excited that your Mondays will be quality/quantity time with your baby girl.