Weight Watchers Live Chat #81: Be Sugar Savvy

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And now back to our regularly scheduled programming…Disney is done (for the summer mwahahaha) so back to all things Weight Watchering with a sprinkle of cute LilyBugs and Cockapoo sidekicks. . Missed your Weight Watchers meeting? It’s ok…we have a chat for that!

⬇️ WW Chat #81: Be Sugar Savvy

⬇️ Think you’re addicted to sugar? Feeling like you can’t satisfy that sweet craving?  You need to join Sunday’s LIVE chat! https://www.facebook.com/events/20791…

Join us Sunday nights at 8pm Eastern as we chat LIVE about our weekly WW meeting topic. If you can’t make it live on Facebook or want to watch again later On Demand go to YouTube and search IFYOUHAVEANEGG. Remember to subscribe so you won’t miss a week!

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