WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #190: The Activity/Identity Connection

Comments are Disabled In the spirit of transparency, I do receive commission from mentioning some of the products in this post. Any commission I earn comes at no additional cost to you and I’ll never recommend products that I don’t use, love and believe in.

There is no new news on in person workshops for East TN, but we have multiple wellness check-in locations and continued Zoom meetings. Do not panic! Starting September 20th WW will return to “waiting rooms” for the Zoom meetings. You can still attend whichever meetings you want. Just a heads up that starting the 20th the host or hostess will admit you rather than just jumping right in live.

Let’s talk about streaking! I didn’t know until our Knoxville Zoom meeting today that you can change your streak tracking from breakfast to lunch or dinner! Thanks Linda for that tidbit! Go to your WW app and choose the “package” icon. Then choose “Earn Wins with Streaks,” then select Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner!After the success of our Simple Living Products air fryer giveaway (congrats again, Teresa!) they’ve created a special 10% off code for us! Go to simplelivingproducts.com, choose the air fryer you’d like, and enter code EGG10 at checkout.


Last week during Chat #189: How to Take Back Your Time we learned that some things we have to do, others we want to do, and then we have some “do them just because I do” activities.

Lots of you had some great insights into how you were spending #mytime which coincidentally was also your homework. Let’s see how you did!

  • Kim wants to drink her coffee while saying her prayers. She has to and needs to work. She wants, needs, and has to prep lunch for the next day to stay on track. And she wants and has to take a long, hot, relaxing bath to help her sleep.
  • Kathy has to have coffee to function and has to feed the cats to avoid a revolt. She needs and wants to go to the gym and attend some cardio classes. And she wants to be available to her mom in whatever way she can and desperately wants to attend church without a mask.
  • Sherry over on YouTube has to watch her 3 and 5 year old grandsons occasionally. She wants to instill good eating and exercise habits with her family. And she’s decided that something she does not need to do is be perfect; she just needs to be present.

Bravo ladies, you nailed it! If I haven’t sent you one yet, here’s your badge for the week:


This Week’s Topic: The Activity/Identity Connection

This week is only 10 away from 200 chats! Can you believe it?

I didn’t realize how much I identified with this topic until I started digging into it this week. 

You go from referring to the activity to making a personal (identity) connection with it. For example, you might start off referring to your exercise routine as “going for a walk” and as it becomes part of your identity, you might start calling it “my walk” or referring to yourself as a walker.


You’re going to start out slow. It’s part of the process. But creating a personal identity with your exercise makes you more likely to do it!


This Week’s Homework: #ima

Think about what activity you claim as part of your identity and share with us! Are you a swimmer? A runner? A pickleball player?

Don’t forget to do your homework #ima and tag me when you share on social media!

  • Instagram tag @ifyouhaveanegg
  • Facebook Page tag @ifyouhaveanegg
  • Facebook Group tag @Kelly Green Milligan
  • WW Connect tag @scrapnstamp2


Extra Credit: 7 Days on Purple

WW My Way Green is most similar to the older SmartPoints system and the plan I choose most days. It is convenient for my unpredictable, often overscheduled, lifestyle. There isn’t a lot of time for prep and sometimes I’m lucky to get a potty break… so the grab-and-go simplicity of Green has been for me!

But I have decided to Go Team Purple for 7 days! I even changed my tracker to purple and accepted the challenge. For 7 days.

Here are the 5 reasons I’m only committing to 7 days:

5. Time constraints
4. I’m not a prepper
3. I’m a bacon lover
2. I don’t know when to stop
1. My family is filled with civilians


BUT after taking some of #mytime last week, I came up with 7 reasons why I should go purple for 7 days.

#7: My Feet Hurt
I have a magic weight. If I go above that weight, my plantar fasciitis acts up to the point that I can barely walk. I have successfully kept it under control for several years, but lately my feet are hurting which tells me it’s time for a change. To help with this I replaced my worn out shoes and will be focusing on eating foods with no added sodium and eating more whole foods that I’ve prepared. I’ve been using things like DAK’s Spices which have no salt or MSG. One of the things I’m making this week is a Ranch Dip using DAK’s Nothin But Ranch (1 point per tbsp). This dip can also be used as a salad dressing if you add a little extra water to thin it out.

#6: The Chips and the Dips and the Pies and the Cakes
My grandmother used to always say this phrase to us. At only 4’ 8” tall, she always ate very well but she didn’t have much space to store her weight so she always carried around a little extra weight. She didn’t understand why she couldn’t lose weight because she didn’t eat “the chips and the dips and the pies and the cakes.” For this one, I’m focusing on meal prepping healthy foods like my Air Fryer Hard Boiled Eggs so that I have good choices that are quick and easy to grab during my busy day and don’t waste my points on junk!

#5: Tummy Trouble
I feel bloated, gross, and gunky lately. Want to know why? I’ve been eating so much cheese lately! For that, I’m going to focus on unprocessed foods that are high in fiber. I’ve made a Plant Based Taco Soup that’s full of delicious, whole foods to eat during my week on purple.

#4: Boots and Pants and Boots and Pants
Very soon it’s going to be boots and pants season. And right now, mine don’t fit well. For this, I’m going to focus on starting my morning right with real food that includes filling grains. I’m planning to make Pumpkin Mug Muffins during the week just for this!

#3: I Miss My Mom
She passed away during all of this COVID mess and I miss her terribly. So instead of drowning my sorrows in chips and dip (which she wouldn’t approve of) I’m going to focus more on foods she would have made – more of the meatless and vegetarian/vegan recipes.

#2: Alyssa Can Outrun Me
If you’re new around here, Alyssa is my two-and-a-half year old granddaughter and she’s strong and fast! So to help me keep up with her, I’m going to eat foods that will provide me with lots of energy, drinking lots of water (maybe even my Iced Cucumber Water), and focusing on wellness. 

#1: I Found Something I Wasn’t Looking For
During this pandemic and all of the weirdness it brought along, I found extra pounds. I am right at 20 pounds over goal. I’m irritated and devastated over this, but I’m deciding to do something about it. I know that purple is the best way for me to get a handle on my eating habits and lose these unwanted pounds.This week I’m going to focus hard on tracking EVERYTHING and building back my routines.


Quick Links:

Kelly’s nails tonight are styled by Casey with ColorStreet

Don’t forget to celebrate your Bravos with our downloadable stickers!

Need to know where to get something I mentioned? Check out my recommendations page to get all my favorite goodies.

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