WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #255: Let’s Do YOU In 2022!

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WW News December 2021:

  • You did it! You survived all the major holidays! Please give yourself a pat on the back.
  • To get those who took a break or are ready to get a jump start, WW is offering 50% off a six month membership. Why six months? WW is not a “get fixed quick” program. What you ate for the holidays did not define you. Six months will help create a new lifestyle, one that is created for YOU with the new Personal Points program. Click here for more info on how to save 50% off your first six months!
  • Knoxville girls we have more exciting news…the Friday workshop with Linda Mitchell is back starting Jan 7th! You can join Linda’s workshop at the Cedar Springs (Cedar Bluff) WW Center on Fridays at 9:30am starting the week after next!
  • If you haven’t checked your app today there are new limited time challenges to help you kick start the new year!  Rise and Shine earns you a badge by tracking breakfast every day for one week.  With Ready, Set, Sweat you only have to track activity three days this week to earn a badge! 

The month’s theme is “Start Strong” and we will spend the entire month finding ways to Start Strong and then Stay Strong.  New Year doesn’t always mean New You.  Sometimes it means big plans with little follow through.  Stick with us this month to find out how to stay excited and keep that momentum going!


Last week during Chat #254 Slow Down Speedy Eating, we chatted about fast eaters and I said I wasn’t gonna lie, I’m a slow eater. To the point that the quicker eaters sometimes get frustrated with me and so I often just wait until everyone is done before I start. But we’re talking about the speed eaters today…we will psychoanalyze my eating behaviors another day hahaha.

How many times have you quick eaters looked down to an empty plate and realized you missed the meal? I know (and am related to) some counter grazers too…too busy to sit down and eat so they graze as they walk to save some time. That’s not very enjoyable either, is it?

Here are a few ways to slow down that speedy eating!

Righty Lefty

  • Use your non-dominant hand to eat 
  • Sit next to a person who eats with the opposite hand so you have to take turns raising your elbow to put another bite in
  • Pass the dishes the opposite direction from normal and pay attention to your new meal buddy

Stop and Smell the Pot Roast

  • Try setting your fork down in between bites or taking a sip of water before taking your next one
  • Match the pace of the slowest person at the table
  • Take a few minutes to notice your surroundings before you start eating: What can you hear? Smell? See?

Bottoms Down and Cartons Up

  • Bottom. In a chair. Do it.
  • Eat off real plates. With real utensils. Do not walk around licking the yogurt cup 
  • At least one meal this holiday season try to include different colors on your plate. A pretty plate never killed anyone, or made them miss the after dinner couch nap marathon. You’ve got time for both.

Your homework for last week was  #HolidaySurvivorClub. I am so proud of you all for being here, being aware, and being you this holiday week that you get a homework badge for just being here and being part of our club! Just shout “I’m here, I’m surviving Christmas to New Year’s week!”  or something like that and you can be part of our Holiday Survivor Club ….and then type it, snap it, however you want to share it and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Let’s see how you did!

  • Congrats….you ALL DID IT!!!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: Let’s Do YOU In 2022!

Somewhere around fruitcake:30 the day after Christmas I start hearing “New Year, New Me!” and this year the “I’m all New in 2022!” rolling around the internet and conversations. 


It’s great to be excited about a fresh start and new beginnings, but the clock ticking over a new number is just the start. We are going to be chatting a lot over the next few weeks about STAR goals (goals that are Specific, Truly Doable, Actionable, and Relevant to YOUR journey). We will even chat about setting a few of those in the second half of this chat, but for the next few minutes let’s look in the rearview mirror and check out your 2021 year in review!

If 2021 was worse than 2020

  • What is something that happened in 2021 that you want to do differently in 2022?
  • If you could pluck one moment in time from 2021 would you let it happen again?
  • Were there any supply chain issues that kept you from reaching goals you had set?


If 2021 was just another year

  • What goals did you set at the beginning of the year? Would you set the same ones again?
  • Is there anything in particular you can credit to letting 2021 be just another year?
  • Did you make any conscious decisions that kept your year “normal”?


If 2021 was so good you want to repeat this year!

  • What was one goal you set toward the beginning of the year that really took off?
  • Did your support system change or improve?
  • What is one thing you would tell a new member to make sure 2022 is everything they hope it will be?


This Week’s Homework: #Let’sDoYouIn22

Your homework for this week is #Let’sDoYouIn22. With this new personalized program and what we’ve seen in our rear view mirrors I sincerely believe this could be YOUR year! For your homework simply list one thing that went well last year that you want to repeat this year and would share with a new member if they asked ….and then type it, snap it, however you want to share it and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Don’t forget to do your homework #Let’sDoYouIn22 and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: 5 New Year’s Resolutions YOU Can Do!

The first week of any year is a big “this is it. I’m turning over a new leaf. I’m a changed person. This year I’m going to ________” until we realize the resolution we made was either too big, too fast, too unrealistic, or honestly had nothing to do with us.


Have you ever known someone to make a New Year’s Resolution because someone else said they should? Or they saw someone else doing it? Or because it was on a TikTok Challenge?

This month we will be talking a lot about STAR goals and I’m going to use that concept to show you how to make a much more specific, truly doable, actionable, and relevant resolution so you can do YOU in 2022.

As an example, I overheard someone say “my New Year’s Resolution is to clean and organize my entire house!” Wow that sounds awesome! But that would be a ridiculous resolution for me for these reasons:

  1. Is it Specific? Sort of…but not really. I mean is it the entire inside? Or every room or?
  2. Is it Truly Doable? For me…nope. We manage two businesses, are very active in our grandchildrens’ lives, and it just isn’t doable for me to invest time to get and keep our house clean and totally organized.
  3. Is it Actionable? Cleaning and organizing are actions so this one is a yes. Actionable means you will be doing something and not NOT doing something.
  4. Is it Relevant? Not at all for me.  ’m ok with my cozy chaos so this resolution isn’t even really relevant…so why even set myself up for failure?

Instead, here are FIVE suggestions for 2022 Resolutions that you should run through the STAR test before you decide on one. Don’t like one of these ideas? Comment below how you will do YOU in 2022!

3 New Year’s Resolution Ideas – You Do YOU in 2022!


  1. Remember to make it specific. Will it be for 1 day? 3 days? 
  2. Make sure it is truly doable. If you can’t eat grapefruit don’t choose a detox that includes one.  
  3. Action counts. You are going to “do” a detox, rather than not doing something.
  4. Is it relevant? If you are like me and feeling bloating, icky and in need of some cleansing then yes!

This one is a little more detailed…read it again. Maybe read it out loud.

  1. Be specific! You will add back how many points? How many times a week? By doing what?  Simply saying I will add back points doesn’t give you a goal.
  2. Is it truly doable? Don’t set the goal so high you can’t achieve it. If you can’t control meals two days a week maybe just choose 5 days.
  3. This is an action…you will need to do something to know you reached this goal
  4. Is it relevant? If you are already adding back mega points every day maybe not so much.  ut if you could use a little extra help watching that available number go back up this may be the one for you! 

Oooooooh this one is much more detailed and I hope it really has you thinking! When we chatted a little last week about the rate of food waste in this country I stepped back and realized just how much I was contributing. Fill in that blank several ways and see if one fits your wellness, weight loss, and food waste reduction goals

  1. Be very specific! This one will take some brain power. Some ideas I had were:
    • Meal prepping only things that can go in the freezer, be pressure canned, or eaten quickly so they aren’t thrown away.  
    • Growing ___ in our garden so that I only eat what I grow and harvest.
    • Sharing meals when I am out with ___ to reduce the amount of leftovers.
  2. Make sure you choose something that is Truly Doable. If I choose growing things in our garden for example I need to make sure it’s something I know how to grow
  3. All of these are actionable items! You are not “not” doing something…do something!
  4. Is it relevant? If you took the food waste news to heart like I did then you betcha.


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