WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #265: Create a Healthy Social Circle

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WW News and Reviews March 2022:

  • The awesome creators at Lily’s Sweets have done it again! I found the NEW Unicorn Swirl chips (33 chips for only 2 points) at Walmart today and now I’m on the hunt for their new Gummy Bears and Sour Worms (3 points per pouch). Alyssa will be trying the Unicorn Swirl chips for you tomorrow!
  • I finally did find the Chobani Zero Sugar Vanilla flavored yogurt (1 point per individual container) and I have to say I really like it! This is a dairy product but it is non GMO, gluten free, contains no artificial flavors or preservatives, vegetarian-friendly, lactose free, and sweetened with allulose as the main sweetener
  • Lord willing and the creek don’t rise we are headed to Disney next week! If all goes well we will have the live chat from somewhere on location at Disney so stay tuned for more details so you can tune in

The month’s theme is “Build Momentum” and we will spend the entire month talking about how to keep the excitement you felt starting a new year not only going, but build on that momentum for the rest of the year!


Last week during Chat #264: Healthy Choices Made Easy!, we read Aesop’s Fable: The Fox and The Grapes. In this story a fox spots some ripe grapes and, try as he may, he cannot get to them. Once the task becomes too hard he convinces himself they must be sour anyway and not worth the effort.  

Are you guilty of letting your brain create “sour grapes” when something seems too hard?  

Here’s how to use sour grapes to our advantage!

No more sour grapes

Trying to keep or start the behavior? Make it easy to do like putting your shoes at the door so you will take that walk. If you have to hunt for your shoes, before you know it you’re on the couch flipping through videos convinced walking is too inconvenient

More sour grapes please!

Want to end a behavior? Make it harder! In last week’s homework Sandra decided to take a different route home to avoid so many drive thrus. Making it harder to stop and grab food will train your brain to decide it’s easier to just eat what you prepared at home!

Rinse, Repeat

Once you have identified one behavior you want to start OR stop and have mastered your grape skills, find another one and keep it up!


Your homework for last week was #SourGrapes. Figure out one behavior you want to either START or STOP and let us know how you will make it easier OR harder….and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Let’s see how you did!

  • I already told you Sandra got credit last week AND this week for her homework. She is planning a different route home so she doesn’t pass so many drive up windows, wow!
  • Scott posted a great quote this week that reminded me, if we give up too soon because something is hard we will never see that fruit (go check out his post in our Facebook Group!)
  • Mary Ann is going to stop a behavior more of us could work on…she is focusing too much on her fluctuating daily weight because her scale is right there and within reach to weigh every day. Instead she’s putting it away so she has to intentionally get it out to weigh!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: Create a Healthy Social Circle

“You should stop losing weight, you’re starting to look too (thin, old, sickly, etc)”

“When will you be done with your diet so we can just eat again?”

“Can you eat that?”

Raise your hand if a complete stranger has ever asked you one of these questions. Raise your hand again if a friend or family member has…ouch, that one hurts doesn’t it?


Part of succeeding long term on any plan (weight loss, healthy living, doctor recommended for avoiding medication or preparing for surgery) is to surround yourself with a close network of people who are supportive, care about your success, and who both “feel you” and will “fuel you”. Gwen had us read some beautiful examples of what we all want in a good “fueler” or a person who fills you up rather than emptying your tank.

We are all in multiple circles of influence, but I bet you can also name a small social circle of fuelers that you’d like to keep even closer. To be in your tightest circle choose someone(s) who can fuel you by doing one or more of these things!

Feel me when I say I appreciate your concern, but my doctor and I are the only ones who get to decide what my best weight should be.
Fuel me by understanding that my goal weight is my goal weight and respecting the boundaries that asking about my weight crosses. 

Feel me when I say you can either go on this journey with me or I will go on without you, but I will go on.
Fuel me by realizing this is a lifestyle I want to learn to live by for my health, my ideal weight, the surgery I have coming up, to reduce my prescriptions, so my feet won’t hurt, etc etc and that I will never be “cured”. 

Feel me and know that to be successful long term I will not be put in a food prison and I’m not interested in hanging out with the food police.
Fuel me by helping me plan a menu, choose a restaurant, do the grocery shopping, attend a special event…but I chose WW because there are no forbidden foods. Everything can be on my plan and I will track my own food. 


This Week’s Homework: #FeelMeFuelMe

Your homework for this week is #FeelMeFuelMe. Name one person who is already in your closest social circle because they both feel you AND fuel you.  Then tell us the #FeelMeFuelMe statement that got them there!….and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Don’t forget to do your homework #FeelMeFuelMe and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: Let’s Pack for Road Trip Success! (a.k.a. We’re Going to Disney!)

Because I’m headed to Disney World very soon and many families are going to be headed out on spring break trips in the near future, we’re going to run through some quick tips on how to pack for a road trip to ensure you aren’t derailed on your WW progress.


First and foremost, you’re going to want to pack some zero or lower point foods that travel well. For me those include: 

  • Sturdy foods: apples, baby carrots, clementines, grapes, cherry tomatoes, hard boiled eggs (left in the shell if you aren’t ready to eat them right away)
  • Prepackaged snack size items: turkey or beef sticks, trail mix, individual serving cereal cups (with protein shakes instead of milk), Jif To-Go peanut butter cups

Next, pack a few empty containers with you that you’ve saved and repurposed. This allows you to easily split snacks, pack them to go, and not have to worry about losing or damaging something you’ve spent much money on.

I’d also highly recommend packing some plastic Ziploc bags or Bumble Bags for taking food into amusement parks (this way it’s clear what’s inside the bag and your snacks are less likely to be damaged during bag checks).

I use a market bag inside the top of our cooler to keep smaller snacks close at hand. This might be things like cheese cubes and cheese sticks, carb counter tortillas, individual tuna pouches, protein bars, and more.

Another favorite is some That Man’s Turkey Tenderloin – we prepare this advance and keep it in our cooler for a delicious, protein-packed snack on the go!


Quick Links:

Don’t forget to celebrate your Bravos with our downloadable stickers!

Need to know where to get something I mentioned? Check out the recommendations section to get all my favorite goodies.


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