WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #276: Anchors – How To Find Your Perfect Portion

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News and Reviews June 2022

  • My birthday is tomorrow! The second half will all be light and fun, because we started celebrating early LOL 
  • This may be actual news…I’m not one to create a crisis but some of y’all need to head to the store. The makers of the world’s most popular hot sauce “Sriracha Sauce” is experiencing a triple blow crushing epidemic which leaves them not taking any new orders and anything due to ship before Labor Day will ship in the fall. Say what? For more info check out this article at https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/09/business-food/sriracha-shortage/index.html 
  • If you are in Knox, Blount, Anderson, Roane, or Loudon Counties listen up! We have partnered with Knox Produce Box to bring you fresh, in season produce both here at KC Kitchen Center and delivered to your home! You can even get $5 off your first produce box by using code kckitchen2022 at checkout on https://knoxproducebox.com/. Jay from Knox Produce Box was kind enough to provide an XL Produce Box so we could see what was waiting for you! (items will vary seasonally). Let’s check it out!

The month’s theme is “Drop an Anchor” and we will spend the entire month discussing tried and true strategies that really do work!


Last week during Chat #275: How To Find Your Why, we discussed that we all have different reasons for starting (and staying) on this journey but have you put yours in words?

And if you’ve put your Why to pen and paper has it changed over time? Here’s how to use that “anchor” to keep you headed towards your goal!

Don’t think about it, just say your why out loud

I don’t care where you are, who’s around or who can hear you. Just declare the reason you joined WW out loud no matter what it is

Close your eyes and see it

Now close your eyes (unless you’re driving) and see your why. What does it look like when you get there? Or if you are already at goal weight does it look like what you thought it would?

Now own it, but don’t be afraid to change it

Your “why” is YOUR WHY…not anyone else’s so I want you to own it. But if your why changes (maybe you reached another goal, maybe circumstances changed) don’t be afraid to do this exercise again and make sure you know and remember WHY


Your homework for this week was #AnchorYourWhy. I truly believe you can manifest positive things (“anchor them”) by writing them down, pen to paper, and then putting them where you can see them.  It doesn’t have to be where anyone else can see, this is just for you. I want to you take a sticky note, index card, popsicle stick, I don’t care what it is and write the WHY you just imagined and put it somewhere you can see it….and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Let’s see how you did!

  • In 2018 Susy’s “why” was to be able to get around after foot surgery. Her “why” now is an upcoming wedding and she wants to be able to last all night in those high heels while they celebrate their daughter!
  • When Carol first joined WW it was to look sexy in a wedding dress and be healthy when it was time to have a baby. As another grandma to an adorable Peanut, her “why” now is still about her health but there is nothing wrong with also being a sexy grandma!
  • Sherry was firm in her anchoring for the second year in a row. As a 68 year old grandma she’s got 5 grands to keep up with!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: Anchors – How To Find Your Perfect Portion

It’s been almost two years since we last chatted about portions…I guess it IS time we checked in on this important anchor in our journey again!  (the last time we chatted was Chat #197, check it out here: http://www.ifyouhaveanegg.com/chat-197-find-your-perfect-portion/ )


Didn’t realize there was a difference between a serving and a portion? You are not alone, stay tuned for more info!

What is a “serving”?

A serving is a measurement of food but in our case we are talking about a serving “size”. The USDA has a system in place which appears on all packaged foods to designate a quantity of food or drink based on what someone “typically” eats versus what someone “should” eat. (see this article from the FDA titled Understanding Serving Sizes: “By law, serving sizes must be based on the amount of food people typically consume, rather than how much they should consume”)


What is a “portion”?

A portion on the other hand is the amount of a food or drink that it takes to normally satisfy you or that you would serve yourself. It is important to  know that the amount you portion is the same amount you need to record on your tracker. Example: If you eat 1 Tbsp of peanut butter that is a ½ of a serving. Make sense?


So what is YOUR perfect portion?

  1. Set out, spoon out, or pour out a normal amount of some food
  2. Now measure that same food and compare it to the actual serving size
  3. Calculate the points for the portion and decide if you want more, less, or it’s just enough
  4. Pro Tip: some foods (like pasta, avocado, and certain meats) are better weighed than measured to get a true picture of how much is there


This Week’s Homework: #AnchorYourPortion

Your homework for this week is #AnchorYourPortion. I want to see your portions! Let’s all do this week’s homework by following the “So what is YOUR perfect portion?” section of tonight’s chat. You get bonus bravos for weighing something and showing us in a picture what that looks like versus trying to measure it….and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Don’t forget to do your homework #AnchorYourPortion and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: It’s Almost My Birthday and I’ll Do What I Want To!

We’re not cooking anything tonight but we are going to talk a lot about food. We’re also going to start my birthday celebration a little early!

I am so blessed to have sweet family, friends, and coworkers who have showered me with love and treats for my birthday. And thanks to all of you who sent cards and birthday wishes my way – they’re all incredibly appreciated!


Recently I’ve been experimenting with a lot of recipes that would work incredibly well if they could be canned and stored, but I didn’t have a pressure canner… until now! I decided to treat myself to a brand new pressure canner and we’re unboxing it together in tonight’s Eggstra credit.


Quick Links:

Don’t forget to celebrate your Bravos with our downloadable stickers!

Need to know where to get something I mentioned? Check out the recommendations section to get all my favorite goodies.


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