Weight Watchers Chat #303: How To Build a Weighing Routine

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News and Reviews January 2023

  • Last week was our LAST CHAT at the KC Kitchen Center showroom. Well, that showroom anyway LOL. We did not reach an agreement with our current landlord and let’s just say his new conditions are, well ridiculous. And yes, I kept that PG-13 for you by just saying ridiculous hahaha. We started moving into our new showroom Monday and are only about 20% moved.. I’m still asking for prayers of clear direction on the move, travel mercies as we go back and forth, and a blessing on this new adventure! Oh and if you have an extra barrel of cash lying around please send it my way so we can fund this move 🙂
  • Egg shortage news is not getting any better…in 2022 nearly 10% of our nation’s commercial laying hens died from Avian Flu creating a shortage, high demand, and even higher pricing. We will chat more about this in the second half.
  • The continuing Chef’s Hat versus Discover Tab debate is not over yet. Long time member Lynn from Texas consulted WW to find out why she can still see the Discover Tab. Lynn was told by a WW associate over the phone “this change is to see how people react to the Chef’s Hat change versus how much the Discover tab is used by those who didn’t change.” Apparently those of us with the  Chef’s Hat are a Beta test and it’s looking like everyone will change in the near future. People with the Discover tab, please wear it out and say you want to keep it. Or at least an easier way to find it. Those of us who have lost it are panicking, man!


Last week in Chat #302 How To Build a Tracking Routine Quick, I asked what do you think the #1 reason for weight loss success is accredited to?   

Now quick, what do you think the #1 thing is that we all wish we could do better, more frequently, or at all. You got it. Tracking.

Why is Tracking Hard?

  1. Time
  2. Knowledge
  3. Effort

Consistency vs. Perfection

I’ve said it before, this is not a perfection sport. If you are going to beat yourself up everytime you track (or don’t) you ain’t gonna make it.  

Tracking the exact flavor or yogurt even though it has the same points as the one you had yesterday? Not important at all in the grand scheme of things

Tracking one meal a day every day? Or tracking one day a week? Or even just opening your app every day even if nothing gets put in it? Being consistent in your actions (even if it’s just opening the app!) is how to win this race.

Finding what works for YOU!

Some weight watchers track every meal, every day, every bite. That’s not me. Maybe that’s not you. Here are some ideas on how to make it a little easier!

  • Quick add – you can use the Quick Add feature to put a number on a meal even if you don’t know how many points it really is. Being consistent with putting in SOMETHING is better than the perfectionist thought of thinking you  have to identify and point EVERYTHING
  • Multi Track – this feature in your WW app allows you to select things you’ve eaten recently or from your lists by selecting the circle next to them, so quick and easy!
  • Saving Meals – Saving a meal is one of the easiest and fastest ways to track! If you eat a yogurt, a bagel, and a cup of coffee every day (or even most days), save that as a meal and you can quickly find and add it next time!


Your homework for last week was #TrackHack. All you needed to do was decide what method you will use to get something, anything tracked this week (it may just be opening your app and tracking one thing!) …. and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Let’s see how you did! 

  • Mary Ann’s method for tracking is both paper and the app. It makes it easier for her to look back and see how things went.
  • Tina found that creating a meal for commonly eaten together food is a time saver!! After saving it as a meal, you track one thing, not each item individually.
  • Deanna (even with a gimpy arm) says when creating recipes she always includes the source of the recipe so she can use that to also look it up. Example – the frugal house or Creami.

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: How To Build a Weighing Routine!

Show of hands: Do you weigh yourself –
1) every day
2) once a week
3) at a WW meeting


Frequency doesn’t matter as long as you keep in mind there are some things the scale doesn’t know and that it doesn’t get to be the judge of how your week went. Here are three great things to remember when it’s time to weigh!

The Scale is Stupid

I don’t mean that in a bad way…it’s just that it’s not that bright ya know? The scale has no way of knowing if you tracked every day, if you had too much salt with a meal, or even if you are a good person. It’s just a mindless inanimate object so don’t give it any more credit than it’s brainless box deserves ok?


When and Where are Up to YOU!

There is no wrong or right when it comes to weighing. As long as the weight you are tracking is over time (weeks and months, not times of day) then you will see the peaks and valleys for what they are. One of the members at our local meeting said she does weigh every day but what she sees on her home scale is just “static.” The weight she values is at her meeting. Same day. Same time. Same routine pre-weigh in. Pick what works for you!


Decide NOW what happens THEN

No matter when and where you weigh, decide before you step on it what’s going to happen after. If you always have a splurge meal after weigh in, have your pre-planned splurge meal whether the scale showed a loss OR a gain. If you decide to make your meal plan for the next week after you step on the scale, then make that plan…don’t let a surprise loss or a disappointing gain take you off your pre-weigh in plan!


This Week’s Homework: #WeighYourWay

Your homework for this week is #WeighYourWay. All you need to do is decide when and where you will weigh …. and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Don’t forget to do your homework #WeighYourWay and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: We Don’t Have Eggs, But We Still Have Hope!

I have been hearing reports of the price of eggs skyrocketing in some areas and seeing pictures of empty shelves but never thought it would arrive here. Well, it’s here!


Two days ago I went to a local store called Food City and they were down to 3 cartons of the brand / type of eggs I like and had signs posted that there was a limit of one carton per customer. Yesterday I stopped at Publix and their shelves were pretty darn bare. So what’s up?

#1 Avian Flu – Apparently we are experiencing an unprecedented epidemic of a highly contagious Avian Flu which has caused the death of millions of egg laying hens either through the fast spread of the disease or through pre-emptive slaughtering in an attempt to get ahead of the virus

#2 California is being hit the hardest – Because of Proposition 12, the 2018 animal welfare initiative that took effect last year, California is reliant on millions of cage free chickens that have been hit hard by this fast moving disease

#3 It’s gonna take a while – According to the New York Times: Lyndsay Cole, a spokeswoman with the Agriculture Department’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, said that after facilities are sanitized and restocked with healthy laying hens, it takes about four to five months for them to “reach peak productivity” of about 24 eggs per month

#4 Supply chain woes at their best (worst) – If you don’t know the phrase “supply chain” by now you just haven’t been paying attention. We have felt it especially hard in the construction supply industry but the egg shortage and price hikes are also affected by increases in packaging, supply chain pricing and delays, and throw in a little bit of inflation to round that all out! 

#5 We may not have eggs but we still have hope! – Here are a few ideas to get you through:

Let us know how you are dealing with the egg epidemic by commenting here!


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