WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #262: Set a Weight Goal That Works for YOU!

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WW News February 2022:

  • @mealplanaddict over on Instagram took a survey of favorite meal prep items and here are the top 3! Clear containers, Souper Cubes, and a food processor. Comment below with your faves!
  • WW has named their new CEO! Former CEO Mindy Grossman had announced late last year that she would be stepping down in Q1 of 2022. With the announcement on February 24th of new CEO Sima Sistani, Mindy will now be handing over the reins as of March 18th to  help make a smooth transition. In a statement released by Grossman, “I had the pleasure of first meeting Sima over two years ago and she immediately impressed me with her passion, her drive, her focus on purpose and her creative approach to building businesses fueled by innovation and community,” said Mindy Grossman. “She is an inspired leader and I am confident that she is the right person at the right time to lead WW into its next phase of growth.” For more information visit:  https://corporate.ww.com/news-room/press-releases/news-details/2022/SIMA-SISTANI-NAMED-CEO-OF-WW-INTERNATIONAL-INC/default.aspx 
  • And the best news of all! It looks like we may be able to take an anniversary / John’s birthday trip at the end of March to you know where! We are trying to decide what to do for the chat that Sunday and may look for something at Disney Springs where we could hack into some wifi and invite a couple of  you over if you are in Orlando that day. More details later, but if you want to help out with the trip by sending a dollar a two I wouldn’t be opposed to giving you my Venmo hahaha.

The month’s theme is “Embrace Now” and we will spend the entire month remembering that it’s good to plan ahead, smart to check your rear view mirror, but sometimes you just need to be in the here and now!


Last week during Chat #261: How to Be Ok When It’s Not Ok, we realized we literally spent years talking about being ok, not beating ourselves up, learning how to be ok with setbacks and bad decisions, and even sometimes taken on the ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’ mantra.

But this week WW asks us to take a step back and make sure that not worrying, and being happy isn’t opening a door for extended vacations to Excuse Town.  

There is a definite difference between “I ate a sleeve of Girl Scout Cookies. I will track it, be happy I didn’t eat the other sleeve instead of beating myself up, and start again at my next meal” and “I ate a sleeve of Girl Scout Cookies.  It’s not my fault. Someone else brought them to work and I didn’t want to hurt their feelings. I’m not beating myself up over it so I’ll go ahead and enjoy the rest of cookie season and start again in March”.

So how can you be ok, when it’s not ok?

Listen to your own voice

Say what you are thinking out loud to yourself or an accountabilibuddy. Do you hear yourself admitting that setbacks happen and you are moving on? Or is your voice full of excuses of why you should just ignore it and start over in a week. Or a month. Or whenever the next promo for rejoining comes out?

Set a time  

Once you decide you are dusting off and moving on circle a time on your tracker or go ahead and pre-track your next meal so you have a rock solid deadline for when you get back on track

Enlist help

If you need to say it out loud in your in person workshop, do it!  If chatting with like minded people in a friendly group like the IYHAE Closed Facebook Group will help you move on, go for it! And guess what? Phone lines still work…pick up yours and call a trusted friend who will help you remember you are worth getting right back on that path to success!

Your homework for last week was  #NoTrainToExcuseTown.  Setbacks are bound to happen, tell us what it is, when you are getting back on the train away from excuse town, and who you enlisted for help if you needed it!….and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Let’s see how you did!

  • Lynn had ordered groceries online and went back for one more look before she checked out. She says “the grocery train was leaving the station,” so she hit delete to get rid of the items she really didn’t need or want that would be a point problem later!
  • Carol Lou made my heart flutter when she told a story about a deer shooting out from the side of the road while she was heading to the grocery store and hitting her car. With nerves of steel she went on to the store, stuck to her list, and did not get on the train to poor pitiful me-ville! (p.s. Her car is driveable and somehow the crazy deer walked away with only a bruised ego)
  • During a monthly staff meeting Kim was faced with fried chicken, popcorn shrimp, potato wedges, and KING CAKE (she’s in the heart of Mardi Gras country). She took the train to water town with a co-teacher instead and they enjoyed each other’s company for the ride! 

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: Set A Weight Goal That Works For YOU!

A wedding. Class reunion. Upcoming surgery. Getting to goal weight.


There are lots of reasons to set a weight goal and they don’t all have the same timeline or expected result. No matter how large or small, sometimes setting a magic number feels less than, well, magical. 

Have you ever thought, “I’m going to lose 20 pounds before vacation!” with the best intentions? And then you realize it’s been a week or two and you’ve got even less time and the goal looks less likely to happen. Then you stress over how little time you have left and actually gain weight before the bags are even packed? 

If you have a number in mind ask yourself the following questions and let the magic begin!

Check the calendar

  • If you are less than a month before the “event” you might want to focus on staying within your points and making a plan for not overdoing it rather than stressing yourself out trying to lose weight
  • If the “event” is a month or more away try breaking it down into smaller numbers (rather than 20 pounds before vacation, how about 3-4 pounds a month starting now…even if it’s 3 pounds a month you would be 12 pounds lighter before summer!)
  • If the “event” is your final goal weight with WW, talk to your leader or doctor about what a reasonable expectation is for getting there. If I had accepted all of my .2 pounds lost over the years, I would have been at my goal weight in 1998. Getting to goal fast sounds exciting, but a long-term, slow and steady smaller series of goals is proven to help you get there and keep it off


Check the facts  

  • Losing 5 pounds fast might be ok if your goal is for one week. Losing 5 pounds every week is not sustainable, realistic, or even healthy
  • Long term weight loss expectations on WW is an AVERAGE of 1-2 pounds per week.  Notice I capitalized the word average. Not everyone is going to see that kind of rate and some of you will blow past it. Embrace it, it’s not a judge of your efforts…it’s  just a fact
  • Certain medications, exercise restrictions, your age, etc… will affect how fast and how much you lose. There are many support groups on Connect that can help you move beyond everything from diabetes to sciatica to depression


Check yourself

  • Is the weight loss goal for you or for someone else? The motivation behind it (your “Why”) may make the difference between success and throwing in the towel
  • Is this the right time for you? Trying to reach goal during a big life changing event may be overwhelming or even discouraging. But if you are in a place where you can make a plan, take your time and work your plan then let’s go
  • Be honest with yourself about where you want to be. When I was 16 I weighed about 125 pounds and thought I was “huge”. At 26 I tipped the scales right at 200 after having Casey and literally felt exactly the same. When I set my original goal I made it way too low… I made it, but I never ate. I was miserable. And while I loved the size, I didn’t love the way I felt or the restrictions I had put on myself. Within a few months I went back to Gwen and said let’s raise it to the top of my range which was another 10 pounds. While I’m currently 10 pounds above goal, it’s a manageable number, I don’t feel restricted, and it’s a much better goal for a 54 year old grandma of 2!


This Week’s Homework: #WeightForIt

Your homework for this week is #WeightForIt. You’ve got a goal in mind (you know you do!) using the 3 steps above tell us how you will Check the Calendar, Check the Facts and Check Yourself….and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Don’t forget to do your homework #WeightForIt and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: Tortilla Tuesday… Every Day!

Last week John was out of town so I decided to make a potato bar for myself as my way of “meal prepping” in a way that I’ll actually consume what I prepare. This week John is back home and we’ve got a hectic week ahead of us so instead of prepping my evening meals, I’m going to focus on prepping my lunches!


Two weeks ago everything centered around tacos. Last week it was potatoes. And this week I’ll be using tortillas in all my meals! My favorites are the La Banderita Carb Counter tortillas that come in three sizes (street taco, standard taco, and burrito sized) and are incredibly low in points.

A few things that I’m going to be doing with my tortillas this week include:

  • Peanut Butter & Banana Roll Up: Spread peanut butter powder on your tortilla and wet it slightly (enough to make a paste) and roll up a peeled banana inside
  • Meat & Cheese Roll Up: Roll up a cheese stick with low-point ham or turkey and lettuce in a tortilla
  • Ham & Guac Roll Up: Spread Wholly Guacamole on a tortilla and top with low-point ham and a slice of Velveeta cheese. Roll it up and enjoy!
  • Tuna Roll Up: Single-serve tuna or salmon packet (in the flavor of your choice) on a tortilla – dress it up with fresh veggies like lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, and more. 
  • Tuna Melt: If you have time to cook, this super simple recipe is delicious! Spread tuna on a tortilla and top with cheese. Fold in half and cook in the air fryer for a warm and delicious lunch.
  • Peanut Butter S’mores Tortilla Pie: For an afternoon treat, spray your tortilla with a little I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter and sprinkle with peanut powder, Truvia baking blend, a few Lily’s dark chocolate chips, and a couple of mini marshmallows. Cook in the air fryer at 360 degrees for 8-10 minutes
  • Fried Apple Tortilla Pie: Spritz your tortilla with I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter on both sides, spread unsweetened applesauce on the inside (not too thick), sprinkle with Truvia baking blend and a dash of cinnamon. Fold the tortilla in half and cook on your stovetop over medium heat.


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