WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #183: What Happens In Your Body When You’re Stressed

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Last week in Chat #182 we talked about building new habits and what happens in your body when you form habits. With the 4 steps from our weekly, we talked about creating a new path to our desired healthy habits.

  1. What is your big picture goal?
  2. Name something from your old path
  3. Choose your new path
  4. Make a plan to make it happen

Your homework was to create a #newpath using those 4 steps. Let’s see how you did!

  • Rosie shared her 4 steps with us on YouTube:
    • 1) honest tracking
    • 2) pre-planning her daily meals
    • 3) check her fridge and pantry to see what she already has
    • 4) she’s more successful when she’s cooking
  • Sandra wants to become a morning walker. Her new path is setting out her walking shoes and her plan is that by seeing those shoes out, she’ll get dressed, put them on, and go out for a walk!
  • Kelly (yours truly) has a new path too! C-19 has messed up a 25 year walking habit and bi-weekly workouts, so my big picture goal is to get back to exercising with my buddies 6 days a week. In the past I walked rain, sleet, or snow and worked out 2 days a week. For my new path we’ll have to find new ways, times, and locations to make this work and find new workouts that my gym partner and I both enjoy. And my plan is to commit to a new walking schedule and try out new walking trails and WW Fit On workouts.

Bravo ladies, you nailed it!


This Week’s Topic: What Happens In Your Body When You’re Stressed

If you woke up today you’re under stress. Even on the best of days, we’re all under some kind of stress.

We all have an underlying “fight or flight” instinct that helps us deal with unexpected (and potentially dangerous) situations. Our bodies release a hormone called cortisol as a response to this. Cortisol raises your heart rate, increases your blood pressure, and more. Well, when you’re worrying and releasing cortisol without a real need for it, the cortisol can cause you to retain fat.


When you’re under stress, follow this 5-4-3-2-1 program:

5 – Take a few deep breaths and pay attention to something you can see
4 – Take a few more deep breaths and pay attention to something you can feel
3 – Close your eyes and listen to something
2 – Take another deep breath and pay attention to something you can smell
1 – Find something you can taste


This Week’s Homework: #54321

This week your homework is #54321. Using the steps above, take time to focus and engage your senses, write down your steps, and share them with us!

Don’t forget to do your homework this week and tag me on social media!

  • Instagram tag @ifyouhaveanegg
  • Facebook Page tag @ifyouhaveanegg
  • Facebook Group tag @Kelly Green Milligan
  • WW Connect tag @scrapnstamp2


Extra Credit:

Who’s got kids? Depending on your area’s back to school plans you may be sending those kids back to school very soon. To help you start getting back into a routine I’ve come up with some quick and easy after school snacks that your kids can prepare for themselves.


These are just a few ways to make wontons in your air fryer! You can find the recipe for each at the links below:

Let me know in the comments if you try your own varieties!


Quick Links:

Kelly’s nails tonight are styled by Casey with ColorStreet

Don’t forget to celebrate your Bravos with our downloadable stickers!

Need to know where to get something I mentioned? Check out my recommendations page to get all my favorite goodies.

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