Weight Watchers Chat #317: The No Blame Game!

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News and Reviews May 2023:

  • I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how to get kids and grandkids to eat a variety of foods and we’ve had a lot of DM messaging about teaching them healthier eating habits.  My oldest granddaughter is an extremely picky (and light!) eater while her adventurous little sister will try anything. Casey found these (whoops I didn’t bring them with me while I was typing) at Walmart on sale for $1.50 each and asked me to do a product review with Alyssa. All flavors are 6 points each so watch our reviews before you open one and have to take a 6 point hit if they don’t like it!


Last week in Chat #316: Get Excited About Your Go To Foods I asked you to grab a piece of scrap paper and a pen or pencil. Without showing any of us your answer, write down you absolute favorite food from your past (does NOT have to be WW friendly, just the first fave that pops in your head)

Now, raise your hand if you immediately thought “Kelly, no one can see my answer…” LOL.

Making “The List”
Most of us have a go to list that is on repeat in either our grocery online cart, in the fridge, or saved as a frequent food or meal in our WW app. There is no right or wrong answer but think about which three of these guarantees a food in your top spots:

  1. Points value
  2. Availability
  3. Price
  4. Satisfaction
  5. Taste

Name One
Using the criteria above name one “new to you” food that has made your Go To List and also pick an old favorite that will always be on that list

Now Get That Go To!
Now…flip your papers over that you’ve been hiding since the beginning of tonight’s chat and show us what your old favorite was.
Was it already WW friendly? Awesome, how about adding it to your Go To List!
Not so point perfect? What is something you could do so it can be on your list? Change an ingredient? Only save it for occasional enjoyment? Reduce the serving and add some zero point foods alongside?


Your homework was #GoToGetter. Tell us that all time fave food and how you will help it make your Go To List, you never know it may be something we want to add too… and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Let’s see how you did! 

  • Lynn went through her fridge and got all the veggies that were lurking there! Her criteria for choosing them was, “is it still crisp,” ” is it going to taste good,” “is it worth cooking?”  You go get it girl!
  • Caroline’s mother always made Irish Stew (I mean, she’s from Ireland soooo…) when she was young and she has found a WW friendly version on the app that is only 6 points!
  • This one is long but soooo worth sharing! Deanna was having Hamburgers on the menu for dinner. The used to use frozen patties, hamburger buns, and mayo for a total of 18 points. This time she switched to a salad, 4oz of 93/7 ground beef, and bolthouse dressing for an 11 point savings! And it was more filling than a burger on a bun!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: No More Blame Game!

Let me tell you a little story….(names have been changed to protect the innocent LOL)


One day Kendra opened the fridge at work to take out her favorite Irish Butter only to find the container almost empty. “What on earth? Where did all my butter go?”

Kimmy happened to be close by and these were her responses:

Public response – “well you didn’t put your name on it and you shouldn’t have left it in the public fridge. It really could have been anyone”

Private response – “way to go idiot, no only did you eat 64 points worth of butter you didn’t even fess up to doing it. You should just eat the rest of it…heck you should blow off the rest of this week, skip weigh in and start WW again next Wednesday”

Don’t Be Kimmy

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been Kimmy. Now raise your hand if you WERE Kimmy!  Don’t be Kimmy…here’s why


OK, What Really Happened Was…

If you’ve ever seen one episode of a crime show true or not you’ve heard a suspect who was an otherwise normal, upstanding citizen do a few things:

  1. Lie about what happened
  2. Blame it on someone else
  3. Wallow in guilt and remorse and then blame themselves for everything that happened from that moment on whether it was related or not 

So what really happened was this. Kimmy isn’t a bad person or a weight loss failure. It just so happened that the same week the “irish butter of the gods” was available that she hadn’t had time to pack her lunch. And she was super busy. And stressed. And there was also a loaf of sourdough bread (that no one seemed to notice also disappeared) which made for a super easy “comfort” meal. This wasn’t planned, it wasn’t premeditated. It happened.



After listening to tonight’s chat and realizing that could have been handled a little differently, what should Kimmy do in the future? If that happened to you, could you stop and ask WWKD (what would Kimmy do)? Things like:

  1. Ask if she could have some butter and who knows, someone may have realized she didn’t have food and offered to get her some
  2. Admitted that she did eat it, tracked it and moved on
  3. Gone to weigh in and started her re-start that day instead of next week (or month, or never)


This Week’s Homework: #WWID

Your homework for this week is #WWID? (What Would I Do?) Think about how Kimmy got in this situation and about a time it happened to you, then tell us what you could do next time to avoid the blame game and get right back on track! Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Don’t forget to do your homework #WWID and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: Summer Salad Series – Watermelon Salad

We are getting so close to summer! I love salads. And I love to make them especially during the summer. The next part of our Summer Salad Series is one of my favorites, the Watermelon Salad!

Of course, you could make a simple salad with watermelon but why stop there? In this refreshing recipe, we’re adding some tasty extras for a Cucumber and Feta Watermelon Salad! Follow along in the video below or check out the full recipe on the blog.


If you’re looking for a simple summer salad, this may be the one for you! Give a shout out to your summer salad in the comments below…you never know we may try it and credit you in the post!


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