Weight Watchers Chat #335: “Saying YES to Saying NO!”

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News and Reviews

  1. The WW app is undergoing some updates but only about 10-15% of us have seen any of these changes. I am not one of those, are you? I have been assured though that these are merely app updates and NOT a sign that a new program is coming. It’s that time of year so our normally twitchy members are extra panicky right now LOL
  2. Last week we discussed that the online store is going away but I hadn’t really seen any deals yet.  This week all of the cookbooks are marked from $15-20 down to just THREE DOLLARS. Let the savings begin!
  3. Also, I have to admit I have been giving you incorrect data. I keep saying we have whatever number chat we are on videos on YouTube. It’s not. As of today there are 556 videos from If You Have an Egg! If you started today and only watched 8 hours a day, it would take you 34.75 days to get caught up with everything. No pressure 🙂


Review Last Week: Last week was Chat #334 “Organize Your Kitchen for Success!” 

My “want to” far outweighs my “can do” most days.

One of my Sunday School classmates said that this morning and it was noteworthy! The fact is that my “want to” (eat better, cook more meals, stay within my points, enjoy lunch) far outweighs my “can do” almost every day!

This week’s topic is about organizing your kitchen, your space, and your life in such a way that those “can dos” become “can DONE!”

Three Fast Facts from WW:

Easier really is better

The fact of the matter is, the easier something is to do the more likely you are to do it.

Example: if I purchased a melon today with the intention of eating it but ran out of time to do anything with it, it just becomes another thing to put in my compost later. But if I purchased an already cut melon today the only work is opening the top and eating!

Distance makes the food noise get quieter

The distance between you and any given food choice influences how much and even what you will eat. If I buy chips and portion them out into individual bags but leave them out where I can see them, they will call me until I open and eat every bag. But if I eat a few and send the rest of the bag to work with John, I can’t hear them screaming from 35 minutes away!

Now You See Me!

80% of your thoughts, decisions and even perceptions are determined by what you can see.  If you can see ice cream in your freezer you are more likely to eat it than if it’s outside in the garage freezer (or better yet still in the store freezer where you left it!) Take these two opaque containers. Which one helps or hinders your plan today?


Your homework was #NowYouSeeMe. Show us how you will either “hide” something you don’t want all up in your food choice business or how you will “SEE” something that needs to be front and center for good decision making.

  • This week’s homework challenge worked so well I almost lost a container of mandarins! Remember the opaque containers last week? I forgot one contained food I actually wanted to eat and luckily John asked what it was 😛
  • Casey did her homework to keep the girls snacks out of site, down low where she was less likely to grab them AND where they can help themselves instead of the chorus of “mamaaaaaaa…” when they are hungry in between meals!
  • Melisa started doing her homework and it turned into a “kitchen makeover!”. She’s feeling great about getting her go to’s up and in plain sight and about how her kitchen looks now!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: “Say Yes to Saying No!”

Who has seen the movie Yes Man starring Jim Carey?


In this early 2000’s rom com, Jim Carey’s character Carl goes through a bad breakup, a boring job and then a host of other reasons to be depressed and withdraw from social life. On the advice of a friend he goes to a self-help seminar to learn how to unleash the power of “yes”. While in this movie saying YES leads him to all sorts of amazing and transforming experiences, WW wants us to learn how unleashing the power of NO may just do the same thing for your weight loss and wellness journey!

Three Fast Facts from WW:

Change of Plans

When you make a new goal (weight loss, the way or things you will eat, maybe just organizing your kitchen like Melisa) you may need to adjust your priorities. Simply said, things that used to be important might not be now.



When we say no we are often seized with the fear of “oh no, what am I missing out on??”


Unleash The Power of No!

Saying no doesn’t have to mean you are missing out on something, used properly it can be a very powerful tool. Today I was asked if I take the dynamic duo to church with me. Sure, I’ll still get to attend my own small group so yes. Then if I would feed them and stay at home with them until dad got home. Ok, yes I can do that. I didn’t have anything to do until 2pm. But then came the request “do you care if I stop at so and so and have lunch before I come home?”. I knew this was the topic tonight. I knew what I should say. But the sudden guilt of saying no to my not born to me child and saying no to another hour and a half to the cutest kids on the planet had me sweating. I looked at hubby and he said “no, you’ve had them all day and you had plans for 2. I said no to one more thing on my plate and said YES to getting my recipe ready for tomorrow. YES to taking my time at the store. YES to getting my work finished today instead of coming in at 6am tomorrow. It was hard but I unleashed the power of NO, and no one got upset but me LOL


This Week’s Homework: #UnleashTheNo!

Your homework for this week is #UnleashTheNo! Tell us one example this week of when you really wanted to (or thought you needed to) say YES but instead you unleash your power of NO and what it allowed you to actually say YES to instead.  Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is something in your fridge or pantry that needs to either be seen or unseen! Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else!  Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!


Don’t forget to do your homework #UnleashTheNo! and tag me when you share on social media! 


Extra Credit: Kodiak Cake Protein Waffles!

Today, we are making some delicious Kodiak Cake Protein Waffles that are only ONE POINT EACH! Made in the adorable Dash Mini Waffle Maker, you can’t go wrong with these!


The most important thing you will need to make these is the Kodiak Power Cakes flapjack and waffle mix. I like to use the plain mix and then add my flavors in later, and this helps keep your waffles at 1 point each. There will be a full recipe post later, which will be linked here.


There are so many flavor combinations that I love to use, but one of my favorites is to put a berry mix on top after warming one of the waffles up. Drizzle on some sugar free syrup and…. Yum yum yum!


How do you like your waffles?  Let us know in the comments below!


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