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During Live Chat #111 we discussed identifying ways you are a success. Your homework is to come up with 3 reasons you are #iamasuccess and post them for us (and YOU!)


My first one was Start Your Day: when I start my day with exercise (even if it’s only 15 minutes) and breakfast sitting down like a human (not in the car or running out the door) I have set myself up for a 100% better chance of staying on plan the rest of the day 👍🏼


My second one was Drink Like a Fish: water, water, water…we need it, your body processes things better, and we feel fuller. So drink it up! I’m more successful when I drink a full glass of water before I ever think about my first cuppa joe in the morning. That small action sets me up for success!


My third one was Veg Out: when I use zero point veggies to bulk up my meals I feel fuller and my plate is usually more colorful. #bulkitup sets me up for success!


My fourth one was Track Like Your Weight Depends on it: because it does! This is the one I focused on last week and I lost TWO POUNDS. For someone on maintenance that’s a big one week loss. I tracked everything single thing that went in my mouth…everything. And if I wasn’t going to track it it didn’t go in there. No sips. No tastes. No “hey just try a little of this”. With e-tools, recipe builder and the scanner it literally can’t get any easier to track!

My number eight (yes it’s out of order but I didn’t plan how these would lay out in a pattern very well hahaha) is Snap Pics: you don’t have to blow up social media with food pics (or you can!) but snapping a pic for yourself saves those “uh oh…what did I eat?” moments. I’ve gotten to the end of my day plenty of times thinking I had tracked everything and then scrolled thru my pics and found something I forgot. Snap a pic. It won’t kill you and you might even have fun 🤓

My number five is Just Walk Away: sometimes you have to know when to walk away from food because this is easier if you can’t see it, can’t smell it, especially if you can’t reach it! But have you ever considered your wellness (both weight loss and mental) might need you to walk away from a situation or even a person? Think about it…and next time a situation makes you reach for food when you aren’t hungry Just Walk Away.

My number six is 2 a days: 10 years ago I had time to walk for an hour before I left for work in the morning. Now with my own business, aging parents and a grandbaby I’m lucky if I have time to get dressed completely before I walk out the door in the morning! And my body got used to the one long walk and slowed down my progress to almost a standstill. I’ve been concentrating on getting in two 10-15 minute somethings 6 days a week rather than getting frustrated when I can’t squeeze in an hour. And if I get to add more time to either (or both!) times a day…BONUS!

My number seven is Snack Time!: Few things in life are as satisfying as sitting down with a big bowl of @theskinnypop or an entire pint of @halotopcreamery with a spoon and knowing you have points left in your day to enjoy it. Snack time. I recommend it.

My number nine is #selflove : this is a hard one for me. I have non problem finding kind words of encouragement for others because I believe in you! But I often find it hard to love myself the same way. I’m a work in progress but I’m working on it 💕


For the full 26 minute second half of the chat visit:

#IAmASUCCESS: Be KIND to YOURSELF on WW https://youtu.be/BB05x13FiU4


#iamasuccess #wwsuccess #wwsupport #ww #weightwatchers #weightlossjourney #wellness #ifyouhaveanegg #facebooklive

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